Source code for dnacentersdk.api.v2_2_2_3.devices

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Cisco DNA Center Devices API wrapper.

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from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals

from builtins import *

from past.builtins import basestring

from ...restsession import RestSession
from ...utils import (

[docs]class Devices(object): """Cisco DNA Center Devices API (version: Wraps the DNA Center Devices API and exposes the API as native Python methods that return native Python objects. """ def __init__(self, session, object_factory, request_validator): """Initialize a new Devices object with the provided RestSession. Args: session(RestSession): The RESTful session object to be used for API calls to the DNA Center service. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. """ check_type(session, RestSession) super(Devices, self).__init__() self._session = session self._object_factory = object_factory self._request_validator = request_validator
[docs] def get_device_detail(self, identifier, search_by, timestamp=None, headers=None, **request_parameters): """Returns detailed Network Device information retrieved by Mac Address, Device Name or UUID for any given point of time. . Args: timestamp(basestring): timestamp query parameter. Epoch time(in milliseconds) when the device data is required . search_by(basestring): searchBy query parameter. MAC Address or Device Name value or UUID of the network device . identifier(basestring): identifier query parameter. One of keywords : macAddress or uuid or nwDeviceName . headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . **request_parameters: Additional request parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: MyDict: JSON response. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the DNA Center cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) check_type(timestamp, basestring) check_type(search_by, basestring, may_be_none=False) check_type(identifier, basestring, may_be_none=False) if headers is not None: if 'X-Auth-Token' in headers: check_type(headers.get('X-Auth-Token'), basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { 'timestamp': timestamp, 'searchBy': search_by, 'identifier': identifier, } if _params['timestamp'] is None: _params['timestamp'] = '' _params.update(request_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { } with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True e_url = ('/dna/intent/api/v1/device-detail') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, headers=_headers) else: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params) return self._object_factory('bpm_c9ee787eb5a0391309f45ddf392ca_v2_2_2_3', json_data)
[docs] def get_device_enrichment_details(self, headers=None, **request_parameters): """Enriches a given network device context (device id or device Mac Address or device management IP address) with details about the device and neighbor topology . Args: headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . **request_parameters: Additional request parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: list: JSON response. A list of MyDict objects. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the DNA Center cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) if headers is not None: if 'entity_type' in headers: check_type(headers.get('entity_type'), basestring, may_be_none=False) if 'entity_value' in headers: check_type(headers.get('entity_value'), basestring, may_be_none=False) if 'X-Auth-Token' in headers: check_type(headers.get('X-Auth-Token'), basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { } _params.update(request_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { } with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True e_url = ('/dna/intent/api/v1/device-enrichment-details') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, headers=_headers) else: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params) return self._object_factory('bpm_a20c25e0fa518bb186fd7747450ef6_v2_2_2_3', json_data)
[docs] def devices(self, device_role=None, end_time=None, health=None, limit=None, offset=None, site_id=None, start_time=None, headers=None, **request_parameters): """Intent API for accessing DNA Assurance Device object for generating reports, creating dashboards or creating additional value added services. . Args: device_role(basestring): deviceRole query parameter. The device role (One of CORE, ACCESS, DISTRIBUTION, ROUTER, WLC, AP) . site_id(basestring): siteId query parameter. Assurance site UUID value . health(basestring): health query parameter. The device overall health (One of POOR, FAIR, GOOD) . start_time(int): startTime query parameter. UTC epoch time in milliseconds . end_time(int): endTime query parameter. UTC epoch time in miliseconds . limit(int): limit query parameter. Max number of device entries in the response (default to 50. Max at 1000) . offset(int): offset query parameter. The offset of the first device in the returned data . headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . **request_parameters: Additional request parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: MyDict: JSON response. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the DNA Center cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) check_type(device_role, basestring) check_type(site_id, basestring) check_type(health, basestring) check_type(start_time, int) check_type(end_time, int) check_type(limit, int) check_type(offset, int) if headers is not None: if 'X-Auth-Token' in headers: check_type(headers.get('X-Auth-Token'), basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { 'deviceRole': device_role, 'siteId': site_id, 'health': health, 'startTime': start_time, 'endTime': end_time, 'limit': limit, 'offset': offset, } _params.update(request_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { } with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True e_url = ('/dna/intent/api/v1/device-health') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, headers=_headers) else: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params) return self._object_factory('bpm_c75e364632e15384a18063458e2ba0e3_v2_2_2_3', json_data)
[docs] def get_all_interfaces(self, limit=None, offset=None, headers=None, **request_parameters): """Returns all available interfaces. This endpoint can return a maximum of 500 interfaces . Args: offset(int): offset query parameter. limit(int): limit query parameter. headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . **request_parameters: Additional request parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: MyDict: JSON response. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the DNA Center cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) check_type(offset, int) check_type(limit, int) if headers is not None: if 'X-Auth-Token' in headers: check_type(headers.get('X-Auth-Token'), basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { 'offset': offset, 'limit': limit, } _params.update(request_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { } with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True e_url = ('/dna/intent/api/v1/interface') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, headers=_headers) else: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params) return self._object_factory('bpm_d3d71136d95562afc211b40004d109_v2_2_2_3', json_data)
[docs] def get_device_interface_count(self, headers=None, **request_parameters): """Returns the count of interfaces for all devices . Args: headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . **request_parameters: Additional request parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: MyDict: JSON response. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the DNA Center cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) if headers is not None: if 'X-Auth-Token' in headers: check_type(headers.get('X-Auth-Token'), basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { } _params.update(request_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { } with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True e_url = ('/dna/intent/api/v1/interface/count') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, headers=_headers) else: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params) return self._object_factory('bpm_da44fbc3e415a99aac0bdd291e9a87a_v2_2_2_3', json_data)
[docs] def get_interface_by_ip(self, ip_address, headers=None, **request_parameters): """Returns list of interfaces for specified device management IP address . Args: ip_address(basestring): ipAddress path parameter. IP address of the interface . headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . **request_parameters: Additional request parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: MyDict: JSON response. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the DNA Center cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) check_type(ip_address, basestring, may_be_none=False) if headers is not None: if 'X-Auth-Token' in headers: check_type(headers.get('X-Auth-Token'), basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { } _params.update(request_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { 'ipAddress': ip_address, } with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True e_url = ('/dna/intent/api/v1/interface/ip-address/{ipAddress}') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, headers=_headers) else: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params) return self._object_factory('bpm_cf7fa95e3ed4527aa5ba8ca871a8c142_v2_2_2_3', json_data)
[docs] def get_isis_interfaces(self, headers=None, **request_parameters): """Returns the interfaces that has ISIS enabled . Args: headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . **request_parameters: Additional request parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: MyDict: JSON response. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the DNA Center cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) if headers is not None: if 'X-Auth-Token' in headers: check_type(headers.get('X-Auth-Token'), basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { } _params.update(request_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { } with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True e_url = ('/dna/intent/api/v1/interface/isis') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, headers=_headers) else: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params) return self._object_factory('bpm_af71ea437c8755869b00d26ba9234dff_v2_2_2_3', json_data)
[docs] def get_interface_info_by_id(self, device_id, headers=None, **request_parameters): """Returns list of interfaces by specified device . Args: device_id(basestring): deviceId path parameter. Device ID . headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . **request_parameters: Additional request parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: MyDict: JSON response. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the DNA Center cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) check_type(device_id, basestring, may_be_none=False) if headers is not None: if 'X-Auth-Token' in headers: check_type(headers.get('X-Auth-Token'), basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { } _params.update(request_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { 'deviceId': device_id, } with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True e_url = ('/dna/intent/api/v1/interface/network-device/{deviceId}') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, headers=_headers) else: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params) return self._object_factory('bpm_e057192b97615f0d99a10e2b66bab13a_v2_2_2_3', json_data)
[docs] def get_device_interface_count_by_id(self, device_id, headers=None, **request_parameters): """Returns the interface count for the given device . Args: device_id(basestring): deviceId path parameter. Device ID . headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . **request_parameters: Additional request parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: MyDict: JSON response. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the DNA Center cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) check_type(device_id, basestring, may_be_none=False) if headers is not None: if 'X-Auth-Token' in headers: check_type(headers.get('X-Auth-Token'), basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { } _params.update(request_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { 'deviceId': device_id, } with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True e_url = ('/dna/intent/api/v1/interface/network-' + 'device/{deviceId}/count') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, headers=_headers) else: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params) return self._object_factory('bpm_b7d6c62ea6522081fcf55de7eb9fd7_v2_2_2_3', json_data)
[docs] def get_interface_details(self, device_id, name, headers=None, **request_parameters): """Returns interface by specified device Id and interface name . Args: device_id(basestring): deviceId path parameter. Device ID . name(basestring): name query parameter. Interface name . headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . **request_parameters: Additional request parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: MyDict: JSON response. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the DNA Center cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) check_type(name, basestring, may_be_none=False) check_type(device_id, basestring, may_be_none=False) if headers is not None: if 'X-Auth-Token' in headers: check_type(headers.get('X-Auth-Token'), basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { 'name': name, } _params.update(request_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { 'deviceId': device_id, } with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True e_url = ('/dna/intent/api/v1/interface/network-' + 'device/{deviceId}/interface-name') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, headers=_headers) else: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params) return self._object_factory('bpm_bef9e9b306085d879b877598fad71b51_v2_2_2_3', json_data)
[docs] def get_device_interfaces_by_specified_range(self, device_id, records_to_return, start_index, headers=None, **request_parameters): """Returns the list of interfaces for the device for the specified range . Args: device_id(basestring): deviceId path parameter. Device ID . start_index(int): startIndex path parameter. Start index . records_to_return(int): recordsToReturn path parameter. Number of records to return . headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . **request_parameters: Additional request parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: MyDict: JSON response. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the DNA Center cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) check_type(device_id, basestring, may_be_none=False) check_type(start_index, int, may_be_none=False) check_type(records_to_return, int, may_be_none=False) if headers is not None: if 'X-Auth-Token' in headers: check_type(headers.get('X-Auth-Token'), basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { } _params.update(request_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { 'deviceId': device_id, 'startIndex': start_index, 'recordsToReturn': records_to_return, } with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True e_url = ('/dna/intent/api/v1/interface/network-' + 'device/{deviceId}/{startIndex}/{recordsToReturn}') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, headers=_headers) else: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params) return self._object_factory('bpm_a3d52c630ba5deaada16fe3b07af744_v2_2_2_3', json_data)
[docs] def get_ospf_interfaces(self, headers=None, **request_parameters): """Returns the interfaces that has OSPF enabled . Args: headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . **request_parameters: Additional request parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: MyDict: JSON response. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the DNA Center cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) if headers is not None: if 'X-Auth-Token' in headers: check_type(headers.get('X-Auth-Token'), basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { } _params.update(request_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { } with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True e_url = ('/dna/intent/api/v1/interface/ospf') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, headers=_headers) else: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params) return self._object_factory('bpm_a2868ff45f5621965f6ece01a742ce_v2_2_2_3', json_data)
[docs] def get_interface_by_id(self, id, headers=None, **request_parameters): """Returns the interface for the given interface ID . Args: id(basestring): id path parameter. Interface ID . headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . **request_parameters: Additional request parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: MyDict: JSON response. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the DNA Center cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) check_type(id, basestring, may_be_none=False) if headers is not None: if 'X-Auth-Token' in headers: check_type(headers.get('X-Auth-Token'), basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { } _params.update(request_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { 'id': id, } with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True e_url = ('/dna/intent/api/v1/interface/{id}') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, headers=_headers) else: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params) return self._object_factory('bpm_b16bff74ae54ca88a02b34df169218_v2_2_2_3', json_data)
[docs] def get_device_list(self, associated_wlc_ip=None, collection_interval=None, collection_status=None, device_support_level=None, error_code=None, error_description=None, family=None, hostname=None, id=None, license_name=None, license_status=None, license_type=None, location=None, location_name=None, mac_address=None, management_ip_address=None, module_equpimenttype=None, module_name=None, module_operationstatecode=None, module_partnumber=None, module_servicestate=None, module_vendorequipmenttype=None, not_synced_for_minutes=None, platform_id=None, reachability_status=None, role=None, serial_number=None, series=None, software_type=None, software_version=None, type=None, up_time=None, headers=None, **request_parameters): """Returns list of network devices based on filter criteria such as management IP address, mac address, hostname, etc. You can use the .* in any value to conduct a wildcard search. For example, to find all hostnames beginning with myhost in the IP address range 192.25.18.n, issue the following request: GET /dna/intent/api/v1/network-device?hostname=myhost.*&managementIpAddress=192.25.18..* If id parameter is provided with comma separated ids, it will return the list of network-devices for the given ids and ignores the other request parameters. . Args: hostname(basestring, list, set, tuple): hostname query parameter. management_ip_address(basestring, list, set, tuple): managementIpAddress query parameter. mac_address(basestring, list, set, tuple): macAddress query parameter. location_name(basestring, list, set, tuple): locationName query parameter. serial_number(basestring, list, set, tuple): serialNumber query parameter. location(basestring, list, set, tuple): location query parameter. family(basestring, list, set, tuple): family query parameter. type(basestring, list, set, tuple): type query parameter. series(basestring, list, set, tuple): series query parameter. collection_status(basestring, list, set, tuple): collectionStatus query parameter. collection_interval(basestring, list, set, tuple): collectionInterval query parameter. not_synced_for_minutes(basestring, list, set, tuple): notSyncedForMinutes query parameter. error_code(basestring, list, set, tuple): errorCode query parameter. error_description(basestring, list, set, tuple): errorDescription query parameter. software_version(basestring, list, set, tuple): softwareVersion query parameter. software_type(basestring, list, set, tuple): softwareType query parameter. platform_id(basestring, list, set, tuple): platformId query parameter. role(basestring, list, set, tuple): role query parameter. reachability_status(basestring, list, set, tuple): reachabilityStatus query parameter. up_time(basestring, list, set, tuple): upTime query parameter. associated_wlc_ip(basestring, list, set, tuple): associatedWlcIp query parameter. license_name(basestring, list, set, tuple): query parameter. license_type(basestring, list, set, tuple): license.type query parameter. license_status(basestring, list, set, tuple): license.status query parameter. module_name(basestring, list, set, tuple): module+name query parameter. module_equpimenttype(basestring, list, set, tuple): module+equpimenttype query parameter. module_servicestate(basestring, list, set, tuple): module+servicestate query parameter. module_vendorequipmenttype(basestring, list, set, tuple): module+vendorequipmenttype query parameter. module_partnumber(basestring, list, set, tuple): module+partnumber query parameter. module_operationstatecode(basestring, list, set, tuple): module+operationstatecode query parameter. id(basestring): id query parameter. Accepts comma separated ids and return list of network-devices for the given ids. If invalid or not-found ids are provided, null entry will be returned in the list. . device_support_level(basestring): deviceSupportLevel query parameter. headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . **request_parameters: Additional request parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: MyDict: JSON response. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the DNA Center cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) check_type(hostname, (basestring, list, set, tuple)) check_type(management_ip_address, (basestring, list, set, tuple)) check_type(mac_address, (basestring, list, set, tuple)) check_type(location_name, (basestring, list, set, tuple)) check_type(serial_number, (basestring, list, set, tuple)) check_type(location, (basestring, list, set, tuple)) check_type(family, (basestring, list, set, tuple)) check_type(type, (basestring, list, set, tuple)) check_type(series, (basestring, list, set, tuple)) check_type(collection_status, (basestring, list, set, tuple)) check_type(collection_interval, (basestring, list, set, tuple)) check_type(not_synced_for_minutes, (basestring, list, set, tuple)) check_type(error_code, (basestring, list, set, tuple)) check_type(error_description, (basestring, list, set, tuple)) check_type(software_version, (basestring, list, set, tuple)) check_type(software_type, (basestring, list, set, tuple)) check_type(platform_id, (basestring, list, set, tuple)) check_type(role, (basestring, list, set, tuple)) check_type(reachability_status, (basestring, list, set, tuple)) check_type(up_time, (basestring, list, set, tuple)) check_type(associated_wlc_ip, (basestring, list, set, tuple)) check_type(license_name, (basestring, list, set, tuple)) check_type(license_type, (basestring, list, set, tuple)) check_type(license_status, (basestring, list, set, tuple)) check_type(module_name, (basestring, list, set, tuple)) check_type(module_equpimenttype, (basestring, list, set, tuple)) check_type(module_servicestate, (basestring, list, set, tuple)) check_type(module_vendorequipmenttype, (basestring, list, set, tuple)) check_type(module_partnumber, (basestring, list, set, tuple)) check_type(module_operationstatecode, (basestring, list, set, tuple)) check_type(id, basestring) check_type(device_support_level, basestring) if headers is not None: if 'X-Auth-Token' in headers: check_type(headers.get('X-Auth-Token'), basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { 'hostname': hostname, 'managementIpAddress': management_ip_address, 'macAddress': mac_address, 'locationName': location_name, 'serialNumber': serial_number, 'location': location, 'family': family, 'type': type, 'series': series, 'collectionStatus': collection_status, 'collectionInterval': collection_interval, 'notSyncedForMinutes': not_synced_for_minutes, 'errorCode': error_code, 'errorDescription': error_description, 'softwareVersion': software_version, 'softwareType': software_type, 'platformId': platform_id, 'role': role, 'reachabilityStatus': reachability_status, 'upTime': up_time, 'associatedWlcIp': associated_wlc_ip, '': license_name, 'license.type': license_type, 'license.status': license_status, 'module+name': module_name, 'module+equpimenttype': module_equpimenttype, 'module+servicestate': module_servicestate, 'module+vendorequipmenttype': module_vendorequipmenttype, 'module+partnumber': module_partnumber, 'module+operationstatecode': module_operationstatecode, 'id': id, 'deviceSupportLevel': device_support_level, } _params.update(request_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { } with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True e_url = ('/dna/intent/api/v1/network-device') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, headers=_headers) else: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params) return self._object_factory('bpm_fe602e8165035b5cbc304fada4ee2f26_v2_2_2_3', json_data)
[docs] def add_device(self, cliTransport=None, computeDevice=None, enablePassword=None, extendedDiscoveryInfo=None, httpPassword=None, httpPort=None, httpSecure=None, httpUserName=None, ipAddress=None, merakiOrgId=None, netconfPort=None, password=None, serialNumber=None, snmpAuthPassphrase=None, snmpAuthProtocol=None, snmpMode=None, snmpPrivPassphrase=None, snmpPrivProtocol=None, snmpROCommunity=None, snmpRWCommunity=None, snmpRetry=None, snmpTimeout=None, snmpUserName=None, snmpVersion=None, type=None, updateMgmtIPaddressList=None, userName=None, headers=None, payload=None, active_validation=True, **request_parameters): """Adds the device with given credential . Args: cliTransport(string): Devices's cliTransport. computeDevice(boolean): Devices's computeDevice. enablePassword(string): Devices's enablePassword. extendedDiscoveryInfo(string): Devices's extendedDiscoveryInfo. httpPassword(string): Devices's httpPassword. httpPort(string): Devices's httpPort. httpSecure(boolean): Devices's httpSecure. httpUserName(string): Devices's httpUserName. ipAddress(list): Devices's ipAddress (list of strings). merakiOrgId(list): Devices's merakiOrgId (list of strings). netconfPort(string): Devices's netconfPort. password(string): Devices's password. serialNumber(string): Devices's serialNumber. snmpAuthPassphrase(string): Devices's snmpAuthPassphrase. snmpAuthProtocol(string): Devices's snmpAuthProtocol. snmpMode(string): Devices's snmpMode. snmpPrivPassphrase(string): Devices's snmpPrivPassphrase. snmpPrivProtocol(string): Devices's snmpPrivProtocol. snmpROCommunity(string): Devices's snmpROCommunity. snmpRWCommunity(string): Devices's snmpRWCommunity. snmpRetry(integer): Devices's snmpRetry. snmpTimeout(integer): Devices's snmpTimeout. snmpUserName(string): Devices's snmpUserName. snmpVersion(string): Devices's snmpVersion. type(string): Devices's type. Available values are 'COMPUTE_DEVICE', 'MERAKI_DASHBOARD', 'NETWORK_DEVICE' and 'NODATACHANGE'. updateMgmtIPaddressList(list): Devices's updateMgmtIPaddressList (list of objects). userName(string): Devices's userName. headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . payload(dict): A JSON serializable Python object to send in the body of the Request. active_validation(bool): Enable/Disable payload validation. Defaults to True. **request_parameters: Additional request parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: MyDict: JSON response. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the DNA Center cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) check_type(payload, dict) if headers is not None: if 'X-Auth-Token' in headers: check_type(headers.get('X-Auth-Token'), basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { } _params.update(request_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { } _payload = { 'cliTransport': cliTransport, 'computeDevice': computeDevice, 'enablePassword': enablePassword, 'extendedDiscoveryInfo': extendedDiscoveryInfo, 'httpPassword': httpPassword, 'httpPort': httpPort, 'httpSecure': httpSecure, 'httpUserName': httpUserName, 'ipAddress': ipAddress, 'merakiOrgId': merakiOrgId, 'netconfPort': netconfPort, 'password': password, 'serialNumber': serialNumber, 'snmpAuthPassphrase': snmpAuthPassphrase, 'snmpAuthProtocol': snmpAuthProtocol, 'snmpMode': snmpMode, 'snmpPrivPassphrase': snmpPrivPassphrase, 'snmpPrivProtocol': snmpPrivProtocol, 'snmpROCommunity': snmpROCommunity, 'snmpRWCommunity': snmpRWCommunity, 'snmpRetry': snmpRetry, 'snmpTimeout': snmpTimeout, 'snmpUserName': snmpUserName, 'snmpVersion': snmpVersion, 'type': type, 'updateMgmtIPaddressList': updateMgmtIPaddressList, 'userName': userName, } _payload.update(payload or {}) _payload = dict_from_items_with_values(_payload) if active_validation: self._request_validator('jsd_fe3ec7651e79d891fce37a0d860_v2_2_2_3')\ .validate(_payload) with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True e_url = ('/dna/intent/api/v1/network-device') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: json_data =, params=_params, json=_payload, headers=_headers) else: json_data =, params=_params, json=_payload) return self._object_factory('bpm_fe3ec7651e79d891fce37a0d860_v2_2_2_3', json_data)
[docs] def sync_devices(self, cliTransport=None, computeDevice=None, enablePassword=None, extendedDiscoveryInfo=None, httpPassword=None, httpPort=None, httpSecure=None, httpUserName=None, ipAddress=None, merakiOrgId=None, netconfPort=None, password=None, serialNumber=None, snmpAuthPassphrase=None, snmpAuthProtocol=None, snmpMode=None, snmpPrivPassphrase=None, snmpPrivProtocol=None, snmpROCommunity=None, snmpRWCommunity=None, snmpRetry=None, snmpTimeout=None, snmpUserName=None, snmpVersion=None, type=None, updateMgmtIPaddressList=None, userName=None, headers=None, payload=None, active_validation=True, **request_parameters): """Sync the devices provided as input . Args: cliTransport(string): Devices's cliTransport. computeDevice(boolean): Devices's computeDevice. enablePassword(string): Devices's enablePassword. extendedDiscoveryInfo(string): Devices's extendedDiscoveryInfo. httpPassword(string): Devices's httpPassword. httpPort(string): Devices's httpPort. httpSecure(boolean): Devices's httpSecure. httpUserName(string): Devices's httpUserName. ipAddress(list): Devices's ipAddress (list of strings). merakiOrgId(list): Devices's merakiOrgId (list of strings). netconfPort(string): Devices's netconfPort. password(string): Devices's password. serialNumber(string): Devices's serialNumber. snmpAuthPassphrase(string): Devices's snmpAuthPassphrase. snmpAuthProtocol(string): Devices's snmpAuthProtocol. snmpMode(string): Devices's snmpMode. snmpPrivPassphrase(string): Devices's snmpPrivPassphrase. snmpPrivProtocol(string): Devices's snmpPrivProtocol. snmpROCommunity(string): Devices's snmpROCommunity. snmpRWCommunity(string): Devices's snmpRWCommunity. snmpRetry(integer): Devices's snmpRetry. snmpTimeout(integer): Devices's snmpTimeout. snmpUserName(string): Devices's snmpUserName. snmpVersion(string): Devices's snmpVersion. type(string): Devices's type. Available values are 'COMPUTE_DEVICE', 'MERAKI_DASHBOARD', 'NETWORK_DEVICE' and 'NODATACHANGE'. updateMgmtIPaddressList(list): Devices's updateMgmtIPaddressList (list of objects). userName(string): Devices's userName. headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . payload(dict): A JSON serializable Python object to send in the body of the Request. active_validation(bool): Enable/Disable payload validation. Defaults to True. **request_parameters: Additional request parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: MyDict: JSON response. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the DNA Center cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) check_type(payload, dict) if headers is not None: if 'X-Auth-Token' in headers: check_type(headers.get('X-Auth-Token'), basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { } _params.update(request_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { } _payload = { 'cliTransport': cliTransport, 'computeDevice': computeDevice, 'enablePassword': enablePassword, 'extendedDiscoveryInfo': extendedDiscoveryInfo, 'httpPassword': httpPassword, 'httpPort': httpPort, 'httpSecure': httpSecure, 'httpUserName': httpUserName, 'ipAddress': ipAddress, 'merakiOrgId': merakiOrgId, 'netconfPort': netconfPort, 'password': password, 'serialNumber': serialNumber, 'snmpAuthPassphrase': snmpAuthPassphrase, 'snmpAuthProtocol': snmpAuthProtocol, 'snmpMode': snmpMode, 'snmpPrivPassphrase': snmpPrivPassphrase, 'snmpPrivProtocol': snmpPrivProtocol, 'snmpROCommunity': snmpROCommunity, 'snmpRWCommunity': snmpRWCommunity, 'snmpRetry': snmpRetry, 'snmpTimeout': snmpTimeout, 'snmpUserName': snmpUserName, 'snmpVersion': snmpVersion, 'type': type, 'updateMgmtIPaddressList': updateMgmtIPaddressList, 'userName': userName, } _payload.update(payload or {}) _payload = dict_from_items_with_values(_payload) if active_validation: self._request_validator('jsd_fe06867e548bba1919024b40d992_v2_2_2_3')\ .validate(_payload) with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True e_url = ('/dna/intent/api/v1/network-device') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: json_data = self._session.put(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, json=_payload, headers=_headers) else: json_data = self._session.put(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, json=_payload) return self._object_factory('bpm_fe06867e548bba1919024b40d992_v2_2_2_3', json_data)
[docs] def retrieves_all_network_devices(self, associated_wlc_ip=None, collection_interval=None, collection_status=None, error_code=None, family=None, hostname=None, limit=None, mac_address=None, management_ip_address=None, offset=None, platform_id=None, reachability_failure_reason=None, reachability_status=None, role=None, role_source=None, serial_number=None, series=None, software_type=None, software_version=None, type=None, up_time=None, vrf_name=None, headers=None, **request_parameters): """Gets the list of first 500 network devices sorted lexicographically based on host name. It can be filtered using management IP address, mac address, hostname and location name. If id param is provided, it will be returning the list of network-devices for the given id's and other request params will be ignored. In case of autocomplete request, returns the list of specified attributes. . Args: vrf_name(basestring): vrfName query parameter. management_ip_address(basestring): managementIpAddress query parameter. hostname(basestring): hostname query parameter. mac_address(basestring): macAddress query parameter. family(basestring): family query parameter. collection_status(basestring): collectionStatus query parameter. collection_interval(basestring): collectionInterval query parameter. software_version(basestring): softwareVersion query parameter. software_type(basestring): softwareType query parameter. reachability_status(basestring): reachabilityStatus query parameter. reachability_failure_reason(basestring): reachabilityFailureReason query parameter. error_code(basestring): errorCode query parameter. platform_id(basestring): platformId query parameter. series(basestring): series query parameter. type(basestring): type query parameter. serial_number(basestring): serialNumber query parameter. up_time(basestring): upTime query parameter. role(basestring): role query parameter. role_source(basestring): roleSource query parameter. associated_wlc_ip(basestring): associatedWlcIp query parameter. offset(basestring): offset query parameter. limit(basestring): limit query parameter. headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . **request_parameters: Additional request parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: MyDict: JSON response. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the DNA Center cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) check_type(vrf_name, basestring) check_type(management_ip_address, basestring) check_type(hostname, basestring) check_type(mac_address, basestring) check_type(family, basestring) check_type(collection_status, basestring) check_type(collection_interval, basestring) check_type(software_version, basestring) check_type(software_type, basestring) check_type(reachability_status, basestring) check_type(reachability_failure_reason, basestring) check_type(error_code, basestring) check_type(platform_id, basestring) check_type(series, basestring) check_type(type, basestring) check_type(serial_number, basestring) check_type(up_time, basestring) check_type(role, basestring) check_type(role_source, basestring) check_type(associated_wlc_ip, basestring) check_type(offset, basestring) check_type(limit, basestring) if headers is not None: if 'X-Auth-Token' in headers: check_type(headers.get('X-Auth-Token'), basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { 'vrfName': vrf_name, 'managementIpAddress': management_ip_address, 'hostname': hostname, 'macAddress': mac_address, 'family': family, 'collectionStatus': collection_status, 'collectionInterval': collection_interval, 'softwareVersion': software_version, 'softwareType': software_type, 'reachabilityStatus': reachability_status, 'reachabilityFailureReason': reachability_failure_reason, 'errorCode': error_code, 'platformId': platform_id, 'series': series, 'type': type, 'serialNumber': serial_number, 'upTime': up_time, 'role': role, 'roleSource': role_source, 'associatedWlcIp': associated_wlc_ip, 'offset': offset, 'limit': limit, } _params.update(request_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { } with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True e_url = ('/dna/intent/api/v1/network-device/autocomplete') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, headers=_headers) else: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params) return self._object_factory('bpm_b5a5c8da4aaa526da6a06e97c80a38be_v2_2_2_3', json_data)
[docs] def update_device_role(self, id=None, role=None, roleSource=None, headers=None, payload=None, active_validation=True, **request_parameters): """Updates the role of the device as access, core, distribution, border router . Args: id(string): Devices's id. role(string): Devices's role. roleSource(string): Devices's roleSource. headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . payload(dict): A JSON serializable Python object to send in the body of the Request. active_validation(bool): Enable/Disable payload validation. Defaults to True. **request_parameters: Additional request parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: MyDict: JSON response. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the DNA Center cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) check_type(payload, dict) if headers is not None: if 'Content-Type' in headers: check_type(headers.get('Content-Type'), basestring, may_be_none=False) if 'X-Auth-Token' in headers: check_type(headers.get('X-Auth-Token'), basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { } _params.update(request_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { } _payload = { 'id': id, 'role': role, 'roleSource': roleSource, } _payload.update(payload or {}) _payload = dict_from_items_with_values(_payload) if active_validation: self._request_validator('jsd_aa11f09d28165f4ea6c81b8642e59cc4_v2_2_2_3')\ .validate(_payload) with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True e_url = ('/dna/intent/api/v1/network-device/brief') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: json_data = self._session.put(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, json=_payload, headers=_headers) else: json_data = self._session.put(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, json=_payload) return self._object_factory('bpm_aa11f09d28165f4ea6c81b8642e59cc4_v2_2_2_3', json_data)
[docs] def get_polling_interval_for_all_devices(self, headers=None, **request_parameters): """Returns polling interval of all devices . Args: headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . **request_parameters: Additional request parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: MyDict: JSON response. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the DNA Center cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) if headers is not None: if 'X-Auth-Token' in headers: check_type(headers.get('X-Auth-Token'), basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { } _params.update(request_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { } with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True e_url = ('/dna/intent/api/v1/network-device/collection-' + 'schedule/global') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, headers=_headers) else: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params) return self._object_factory('bpm_ce94ab18ad505e8a9846f6c4c9df0d2b_v2_2_2_3', json_data)
[docs] def get_device_config_for_all_devices(self, headers=None, **request_parameters): """Returns the config for all devices . Args: headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . **request_parameters: Additional request parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: MyDict: JSON response. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the DNA Center cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) if headers is not None: if 'X-Auth-Token' in headers: check_type(headers.get('X-Auth-Token'), basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { } _params.update(request_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { } with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True e_url = ('/dna/intent/api/v1/network-device/config') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, headers=_headers) else: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params) return self._object_factory('bpm_ed2bca4be412527198720a4dfec9604a_v2_2_2_3', json_data)
[docs] def get_device_config_count(self, headers=None, **request_parameters): """Returns the count of device configs . Args: headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . **request_parameters: Additional request parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: MyDict: JSON response. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the DNA Center cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) if headers is not None: if 'X-Auth-Token' in headers: check_type(headers.get('X-Auth-Token'), basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { } _params.update(request_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { } with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True e_url = ('/dna/intent/api/v1/network-device/config/count') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, headers=_headers) else: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params) return self._object_factory('bpm_dc0a72537a3578ca31cc5ef29131d35_v2_2_2_3', json_data)
[docs] def get_device_count(self, headers=None, **request_parameters): """Returns the count of network devices based on the filter criteria by management IP address, mac address, hostname and location name . Args: headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . **request_parameters: Additional request parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: MyDict: JSON response. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the DNA Center cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) if headers is not None: if 'X-Auth-Token' in headers: check_type(headers.get('X-Auth-Token'), basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { } _params.update(request_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { } with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True e_url = ('/dna/intent/api/v1/network-device/count') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, headers=_headers) else: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params) return self._object_factory('bpm_bbfe7340fe6752e5bc273a303d165654_v2_2_2_3', json_data)
[docs] def export_device_list(self, deviceUuids=None, id=None, operationEnum=None, parameters=None, password=None, headers=None, payload=None, active_validation=True, **request_parameters): """Exports the selected network device to a file . Args: deviceUuids(list): Devices's deviceUuids (list of strings). id(string): Devices's id. operationEnum(string): Devices's operationEnum. Available values are 'CREDENTIALDETAILS' and 'DEVICEDETAILS'. parameters(list): Devices's parameters (list of strings). password(string): Devices's password. headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . payload(dict): A JSON serializable Python object to send in the body of the Request. active_validation(bool): Enable/Disable payload validation. Defaults to True. **request_parameters: Additional request parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: MyDict: JSON response. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the DNA Center cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) check_type(payload, dict) if headers is not None: if 'Content-Type' in headers: check_type(headers.get('Content-Type'), basestring, may_be_none=False) if 'X-Auth-Token' in headers: check_type(headers.get('X-Auth-Token'), basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { } _params.update(request_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { } _payload = { 'deviceUuids': deviceUuids, 'id': id, 'operationEnum': operationEnum, 'parameters': parameters, 'password': password, } _payload.update(payload or {}) _payload = dict_from_items_with_values(_payload) if active_validation: self._request_validator('jsd_e6ec627d3c587288978990aae75228_v2_2_2_3')\ .validate(_payload) with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True e_url = ('/dna/intent/api/v1/network-device/file') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: json_data =, params=_params, json=_payload, headers=_headers) else: json_data =, params=_params, json=_payload) return self._object_factory('bpm_e6ec627d3c587288978990aae75228_v2_2_2_3', json_data)
[docs] def get_functional_capability_for_devices(self, device_id, function_name=None, headers=None, **request_parameters): """Returns the functional-capability for given devices . Args: device_id(basestring): deviceId query parameter. Accepts comma separated deviceid's and return list of functional-capabilities for the given id's. If invalid or not-found id's are provided, null entry will be returned in the list. . function_name(basestring, list, set, tuple): functionName query parameter. headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . **request_parameters: Additional request parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: MyDict: JSON response. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the DNA Center cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) check_type(device_id, basestring, may_be_none=False) check_type(function_name, (basestring, list, set, tuple)) if headers is not None: if 'X-Auth-Token' in headers: check_type(headers.get('X-Auth-Token'), basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { 'deviceId': device_id, 'functionName': function_name, } _params.update(request_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { } with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True e_url = ('/dna/intent/api/v1/network-device/functional-capability') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, headers=_headers) else: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params) return self._object_factory('bpm_ad8cea95d71352f0842a2c869765e6cf_v2_2_2_3', json_data)
[docs] def get_functional_capability_by_id(self, id, headers=None, **request_parameters): """Returns functional capability with given Id . Args: id(basestring): id path parameter. Functional Capability UUID . headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . **request_parameters: Additional request parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: MyDict: JSON response. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the DNA Center cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) check_type(id, basestring, may_be_none=False) if headers is not None: if 'X-Auth-Token' in headers: check_type(headers.get('X-Auth-Token'), basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { } _params.update(request_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { 'id': id, } with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True e_url = ('/dna/intent/api/v1/network-device/functional-' + 'capability/{id}') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, headers=_headers) else: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params) return self._object_factory('bpm_f494532c45654fdaeda8d46a0d9753d_v2_2_2_3', json_data)
[docs] def get_devices_with_snmpv3_des(self, site_id, limit=None, offset=None, order=None, sort_by=None, headers=None, **request_parameters): """Returns devices added to DNAC with snmp v3 DES, where siteId is mandatory & accepts offset, limit, sortby, order which are optional. . Args: site_id(basestring): siteId path parameter. offset(basestring): offset query parameter. Row Number. Default value is 1 . limit(basestring): limit query parameter. Default value is 500 . sort_by(basestring): sortBy query parameter. Sort By . order(basestring): order query parameter. headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . **request_parameters: Additional request parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: MyDict: JSON response. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the DNA Center cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) check_type(offset, basestring) check_type(limit, basestring) check_type(sort_by, basestring) check_type(order, basestring) check_type(site_id, basestring, may_be_none=False) if headers is not None: if 'X-Auth-Token' in headers: check_type(headers.get('X-Auth-Token'), basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { 'offset': offset, 'limit': limit, 'sortBy': sort_by, 'order': order, } _params.update(request_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { 'siteId': site_id, } with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True e_url = ('/dna/intent/api/v1/network-' + 'device/insight/{siteId}/insecure-connection') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, headers=_headers) else: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params) return self._object_factory('bpm_bbc074b061d3575d8247084ca33c95d9_v2_2_2_3', json_data)
[docs] def get_network_device_by_ip(self, ip_address, headers=None, **request_parameters): """Returns the network device by specified IP address . Args: ip_address(basestring): ipAddress path parameter. Device IP address . headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . **request_parameters: Additional request parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: MyDict: JSON response. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the DNA Center cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) check_type(ip_address, basestring, may_be_none=False) if headers is not None: if 'X-Auth-Token' in headers: check_type(headers.get('X-Auth-Token'), basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { } _params.update(request_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { 'ipAddress': ip_address, } with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True e_url = ('/dna/intent/api/v1/network-device/ip-address/{ipAddress}') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, headers=_headers) else: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params) return self._object_factory('bpm_dc74c2052a3a4eb7e2a01eaa8e7_v2_2_2_3', json_data)
[docs] def get_modules(self, device_id, limit=None, name_list=None, offset=None, operational_state_code_list=None, part_number_list=None, vendor_equipment_type_list=None, headers=None, **request_parameters): """Returns modules by specified device id . Args: device_id(basestring): deviceId query parameter. limit(basestring): limit query parameter. offset(basestring): offset query parameter. name_list(basestring, list, set, tuple): nameList query parameter. vendor_equipment_type_list(basestring, list, set, tuple): vendorEquipmentTypeList query parameter. part_number_list(basestring, list, set, tuple): partNumberList query parameter. operational_state_code_list(basestring, list, set, tuple): operationalStateCodeList query parameter. headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . **request_parameters: Additional request parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: MyDict: JSON response. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the DNA Center cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) check_type(device_id, basestring, may_be_none=False) check_type(limit, basestring) check_type(offset, basestring) check_type(name_list, (basestring, list, set, tuple)) check_type(vendor_equipment_type_list, (basestring, list, set, tuple)) check_type(part_number_list, (basestring, list, set, tuple)) check_type(operational_state_code_list, (basestring, list, set, tuple)) if headers is not None: if 'X-Auth-Token' in headers: check_type(headers.get('X-Auth-Token'), basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { 'deviceId': device_id, 'limit': limit, 'offset': offset, 'nameList': name_list, 'vendorEquipmentTypeList': vendor_equipment_type_list, 'partNumberList': part_number_list, 'operationalStateCodeList': operational_state_code_list, } _params.update(request_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { } with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True e_url = ('/dna/intent/api/v1/network-device/module') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, headers=_headers) else: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params) return self._object_factory('bpm_ce9e547725c45c66824afda98179d12f_v2_2_2_3', json_data)
[docs] def get_module_count(self, device_id, name_list=None, operational_state_code_list=None, part_number_list=None, vendor_equipment_type_list=None, headers=None, **request_parameters): """Returns Module Count . Args: device_id(basestring): deviceId query parameter. name_list(basestring, list, set, tuple): nameList query parameter. vendor_equipment_type_list(basestring, list, set, tuple): vendorEquipmentTypeList query parameter. part_number_list(basestring, list, set, tuple): partNumberList query parameter. operational_state_code_list(basestring, list, set, tuple): operationalStateCodeList query parameter. headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . **request_parameters: Additional request parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: MyDict: JSON response. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the DNA Center cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) check_type(device_id, basestring, may_be_none=False) check_type(name_list, (basestring, list, set, tuple)) check_type(vendor_equipment_type_list, (basestring, list, set, tuple)) check_type(part_number_list, (basestring, list, set, tuple)) check_type(operational_state_code_list, (basestring, list, set, tuple)) if headers is not None: if 'X-Auth-Token' in headers: check_type(headers.get('X-Auth-Token'), basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { 'deviceId': device_id, 'nameList': name_list, 'vendorEquipmentTypeList': vendor_equipment_type_list, 'partNumberList': part_number_list, 'operationalStateCodeList': operational_state_code_list, } _params.update(request_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { } with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True e_url = ('/dna/intent/api/v1/network-device/module/count') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, headers=_headers) else: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params) return self._object_factory('bpm_fb11f997009751c991884b5fc02087c5_v2_2_2_3', json_data)
[docs] def get_module_info_by_id(self, id, headers=None, **request_parameters): """Returns Module info by id . Args: id(basestring): id path parameter. headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . **request_parameters: Additional request parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: MyDict: JSON response. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the DNA Center cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) check_type(id, basestring, may_be_none=False) if headers is not None: if 'X-Auth-Token' in headers: check_type(headers.get('X-Auth-Token'), basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { } _params.update(request_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { 'id': id, } with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True e_url = ('/dna/intent/api/v1/network-device/module/{id}') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, headers=_headers) else: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params) return self._object_factory('bpm_a4588640da5b018b499c5760f4092a_v2_2_2_3', json_data)
[docs] def get_device_by_serial_number(self, serial_number, headers=None, **request_parameters): """Returns the network device with given serial number . Args: serial_number(basestring): serialNumber path parameter. Device serial number . headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . **request_parameters: Additional request parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: MyDict: JSON response. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the DNA Center cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) check_type(serial_number, basestring, may_be_none=False) if headers is not None: if 'X-Auth-Token' in headers: check_type(headers.get('X-Auth-Token'), basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { } _params.update(request_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { 'serialNumber': serial_number, } with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True e_url = ('/dna/intent/api/v1/network-device/serial-' + 'number/{serialNumber}') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, headers=_headers) else: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params) return self._object_factory('bpm_c53d56c282e5f108c659009d21f9d26_v2_2_2_3', json_data)
[docs] def sync_devices_using_forcesync(self, force_sync=None, headers=None, payload=None, active_validation=True, **request_parameters): """Synchronizes the devices. If forceSync param is false (default) then the sync would run in normal priority thread. If forceSync param is true then the sync would run in high priority thread if available, else the sync will fail. Result can be seen in the child task of each device . Args: force_sync(bool): forceSync query parameter. headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . payload(list): A JSON serializable Python object to send in the body of the Request. active_validation(bool): Enable/Disable payload validation. Defaults to True. **request_parameters: Additional request parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: MyDict: JSON response. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the DNA Center cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) check_type(payload, list) check_type(force_sync, bool) if headers is not None: if 'Content-Type' in headers: check_type(headers.get('Content-Type'), basestring, may_be_none=False) if 'X-Auth-Token' in headers: check_type(headers.get('X-Auth-Token'), basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { 'forceSync': force_sync, } _params.update(request_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { } _payload = payload or [] if active_validation: self._request_validator('jsd_f2c120b855cb8c852806ce72e54d_v2_2_2_3')\ .validate(_payload) with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True e_url = ('/dna/intent/api/v1/network-device/sync') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: json_data = self._session.put(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, json=_payload, headers=_headers) else: json_data = self._session.put(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, json=_payload) return self._object_factory('bpm_f2c120b855cb8c852806ce72e54d_v2_2_2_3', json_data)
[docs] def register_device_for_wsa(self, macaddress=None, serial_number=None, headers=None, **request_parameters): """Registers a device for WSA notification . Args: serial_number(basestring): serialNumber query parameter. Serial number of the device . macaddress(basestring): macaddress query parameter. Mac addres of the device . headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . **request_parameters: Additional request parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: MyDict: JSON response. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the DNA Center cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) check_type(serial_number, basestring) check_type(macaddress, basestring) if headers is not None: if 'X-Auth-Token' in headers: check_type(headers.get('X-Auth-Token'), basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { 'serialNumber': serial_number, 'macaddress': macaddress, } _params.update(request_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { } with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True e_url = ('/dna/intent/api/v1/network-device/tenantinfo/macaddress') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, headers=_headers) else: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params) return self._object_factory('bpm_b2c39feb5e48913492c33add7f13_v2_2_2_3', json_data)
[docs] def get_chassis_details_for_device(self, device_id, headers=None, **request_parameters): """Returns chassis details for given device ID . Args: device_id(basestring): deviceId path parameter. Device ID . headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . **request_parameters: Additional request parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: MyDict: JSON response. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the DNA Center cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) check_type(device_id, basestring, may_be_none=False) if headers is not None: if 'X-Auth-Token' in headers: check_type(headers.get('X-Auth-Token'), basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { } _params.update(request_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { 'deviceId': device_id, } with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True e_url = ('/dna/intent/api/v1/network-device/{deviceId}/chassis') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, headers=_headers) else: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params) return self._object_factory('bpm_a03cee8dfd7514487a134a422f5e0d7_v2_2_2_3', json_data)
[docs] def get_stack_details_for_device(self, device_id, headers=None, **request_parameters): """Retrieves complete stack details for given device ID . Args: device_id(basestring): deviceId path parameter. Device ID . headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . **request_parameters: Additional request parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: MyDict: JSON response. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the DNA Center cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) check_type(device_id, basestring, may_be_none=False) if headers is not None: if 'X-Auth-Token' in headers: check_type(headers.get('X-Auth-Token'), basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { } _params.update(request_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { 'deviceId': device_id, } with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True e_url = ('/dna/intent/api/v1/network-device/{deviceId}/stack') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, headers=_headers) else: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params) return self._object_factory('bpm_c07eaefa1fa45faa801764d9094336ae_v2_2_2_3', json_data)
[docs] def return_power_supply_fan_details_for_the_given_device(self, device_uuid, type, headers=None, **request_parameters): """Return PowerSupply/ Fan details for the Given device . Args: device_uuid(basestring): deviceUuid path parameter. type(basestring): type query parameter. Type value should be PowerSupply or Fan . headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . **request_parameters: Additional request parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: MyDict: JSON response. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the DNA Center cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) check_type(type, basestring, may_be_none=False) check_type(device_uuid, basestring, may_be_none=False) if headers is not None: if 'X-Auth-Token' in headers: check_type(headers.get('X-Auth-Token'), basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { 'type': type, } _params.update(request_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { 'deviceUuid': device_uuid, } with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True e_url = ('/dna/intent/api/v1/network-device/{deviceUuid}/equipment') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, headers=_headers) else: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params) return self._object_factory('bpm_c1cb24a2b53ce8d29d119c6ee1112_v2_2_2_3', json_data)
[docs] def poe_interface_details(self, device_uuid, interface_name_list=None, headers=None, **request_parameters): """Returns POE interface details for the device, where deviceuuid is mandatory & accepts comma seperated interface names which is optional and returns information for that particular interfaces where(operStatus = operationalStatus) . Args: device_uuid(basestring): deviceUuid path parameter. uuid of the device . interface_name_list(basestring): interfaceNameList query parameter. comma seperated interface names . headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . **request_parameters: Additional request parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: MyDict: JSON response. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the DNA Center cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) check_type(interface_name_list, basestring) check_type(device_uuid, basestring, may_be_none=False) if headers is not None: if 'X-Auth-Token' in headers: check_type(headers.get('X-Auth-Token'), basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { 'interfaceNameList': interface_name_list, } _params.update(request_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { 'deviceUuid': device_uuid, } with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True e_url = ('/dna/intent/api/v1/network-' + 'device/{deviceUuid}/interface/poe-detail') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, headers=_headers) else: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params) return self._object_factory('bpm_ab3215d9be065533b7cbbc978cb4d905_v2_2_2_3', json_data)
[docs] def get_linecard_details(self, device_uuid, headers=None, **request_parameters): """Get line card detail for a given deviceuuid. Response will contain serial no, part no, switch no and slot no. . Args: device_uuid(basestring): deviceUuid path parameter. instanceuuid of device . headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . **request_parameters: Additional request parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: MyDict: JSON response. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the DNA Center cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) check_type(device_uuid, basestring, may_be_none=False) if headers is not None: if 'X-Auth-Token' in headers: check_type(headers.get('X-Auth-Token'), basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { } _params.update(request_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { 'deviceUuid': device_uuid, } with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True e_url = ('/dna/intent/api/v1/network-device/{deviceUuid}/line-card') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, headers=_headers) else: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params) return self._object_factory('bpm_bd31690b61f45d9f880d74d4e682b070_v2_2_2_3', json_data)
[docs] def poe_details_(self, device_uuid, headers=None, **request_parameters): """Returns POE details for device. . Args: device_uuid(basestring): deviceUuid path parameter. uuid of the device . headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . **request_parameters: Additional request parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: MyDict: JSON response. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the DNA Center cloud returns an error. """ return self.poe_details(device_uuid, headers=headers, **request_parameters)
[docs] def poe_details(self, device_uuid, headers=None, **request_parameters): """Returns POE details for device. . Args: device_uuid(basestring): deviceUuid path parameter. uuid of the device . headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . **request_parameters: Additional request parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: MyDict: JSON response. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the DNA Center cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) check_type(device_uuid, basestring, may_be_none=False) if headers is not None: if 'X-Auth-Token' in headers: check_type(headers.get('X-Auth-Token'), basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { } _params.update(request_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { 'deviceUuid': device_uuid, } with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True e_url = ('/dna/intent/api/v1/network-device/{deviceUuid}/poe') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, headers=_headers) else: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params) return self._object_factory('bpm_f7a67aba0b365a1e9dae62d148511a25_v2_2_2_3', json_data)
[docs] def get_supervisor_card_detail(self, device_uuid, headers=None, **request_parameters): """Get supervisor card detail for a given deviceuuid. Response will contain serial no, part no, switch no and slot no. . Args: device_uuid(basestring): deviceUuid path parameter. instanceuuid of device . headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . **request_parameters: Additional request parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: MyDict: JSON response. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the DNA Center cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) check_type(device_uuid, basestring, may_be_none=False) if headers is not None: if 'X-Auth-Token' in headers: check_type(headers.get('X-Auth-Token'), basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { } _params.update(request_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { 'deviceUuid': device_uuid, } with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True e_url = ('/dna/intent/api/v1/network-' + 'device/{deviceUuid}/supervisor-card') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, headers=_headers) else: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params) return self._object_factory('bpm_eb13516155a28570e542dcf10a91_v2_2_2_3', json_data)
[docs] def get_device_by_id(self, id, headers=None, **request_parameters): """Returns the network device details for the given device ID . Args: id(basestring): id path parameter. Device ID . headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . **request_parameters: Additional request parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: MyDict: JSON response. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the DNA Center cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) check_type(id, basestring, may_be_none=False) if headers is not None: if 'X-Auth-Token' in headers: check_type(headers.get('X-Auth-Token'), basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { } _params.update(request_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { 'id': id, } with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True e_url = ('/dna/intent/api/v1/network-device/{id}') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, headers=_headers) else: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params) return self._object_factory('bpm_d86f657f8592f97014d2ebf8d37ac_v2_2_2_3', json_data)
[docs] def delete_device_by_id(self, id, is_force_delete=None, headers=None, **request_parameters): """Deletes the network device for the given Id . Args: id(basestring): id path parameter. Device ID . is_force_delete(bool): isForceDelete query parameter. headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . **request_parameters: Additional request parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: MyDict: JSON response. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the DNA Center cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) check_type(is_force_delete, bool) check_type(id, basestring, may_be_none=False) if headers is not None: if 'X-Auth-Token' in headers: check_type(headers.get('X-Auth-Token'), basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { 'isForceDelete': is_force_delete, } _params.update(request_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { 'id': id, } with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True e_url = ('/dna/intent/api/v1/network-device/{id}') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: json_data = self._session.delete(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, headers=_headers) else: json_data = self._session.delete(endpoint_full_url, params=_params) return self._object_factory('bpm_e01233fa258e393239c4b41882806_v2_2_2_3', json_data)
[docs] def get_device_summary(self, id, headers=None, **request_parameters): """Returns brief summary of device info such as hostname, management IP address for the given device Id . Args: id(basestring): id path parameter. Device ID . headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . **request_parameters: Additional request parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: MyDict: JSON response. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the DNA Center cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) check_type(id, basestring, may_be_none=False) if headers is not None: if 'X-Auth-Token' in headers: check_type(headers.get('X-Auth-Token'), basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { } _params.update(request_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { 'id': id, } with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True e_url = ('/dna/intent/api/v1/network-device/{id}/brief') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, headers=_headers) else: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params) return self._object_factory('bpm_fe0153ca24205608b8741d51f5a6d54a_v2_2_2_3', json_data)
[docs] def get_polling_interval_by_id(self, id, headers=None, **request_parameters): """Returns polling interval by device id . Args: id(basestring): id path parameter. Device ID . headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . **request_parameters: Additional request parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: MyDict: JSON response. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the DNA Center cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) check_type(id, basestring, may_be_none=False) if headers is not None: if 'X-Auth-Token' in headers: check_type(headers.get('X-Auth-Token'), basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { } _params.update(request_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { 'id': id, } with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True e_url = ('/dna/intent/api/v1/network-device/{id}/collection-' + 'schedule') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, headers=_headers) else: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params) return self._object_factory('bpm_f90daf1c279351f884ba3198d3b2d641_v2_2_2_3', json_data)
[docs] def get_organization_list_for_meraki(self, id, headers=None, **request_parameters): """Returns list of organizations for meraki dashboard . Args: id(basestring): id path parameter. headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . **request_parameters: Additional request parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: MyDict: JSON response. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the DNA Center cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) check_type(id, basestring, may_be_none=False) if headers is not None: if 'X-Auth-Token' in headers: check_type(headers.get('X-Auth-Token'), basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { } _params.update(request_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { 'id': id, } with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True e_url = ('/dna/intent/api/v1/network-device/{id}/meraki-' + 'organization') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, headers=_headers) else: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params) return self._object_factory('bpm_b4ba6d23d5e7eb62cbba4c9e1a29d_v2_2_2_3', json_data)
[docs] def get_device_interface_vlans(self, id, interface_type=None, headers=None, **request_parameters): """Returns Device Interface VLANs . Args: id(basestring): id path parameter. interface_type(basestring): interfaceType query parameter. Vlan assocaited with sub-interface . headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . **request_parameters: Additional request parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: MyDict: JSON response. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the DNA Center cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) check_type(interface_type, basestring) check_type(id, basestring, may_be_none=False) if headers is not None: if 'X-Auth-Token' in headers: check_type(headers.get('X-Auth-Token'), basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { 'interfaceType': interface_type, } _params.update(request_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { 'id': id, } with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True e_url = ('/dna/intent/api/v1/network-device/{id}/vlan') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, headers=_headers) else: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params) return self._object_factory('bpm_fd5fb603cba6523abb25c8ec131fbb8b_v2_2_2_3', json_data)
[docs] def get_wireless_lan_controller_details_by_id(self, id, headers=None, **request_parameters): """Returns the wireless lan controller info with given device ID . Args: id(basestring): id path parameter. Device ID . headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . **request_parameters: Additional request parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: MyDict: JSON response. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the DNA Center cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) check_type(id, basestring, may_be_none=False) if headers is not None: if 'X-Auth-Token' in headers: check_type(headers.get('X-Auth-Token'), basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { } _params.update(request_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { 'id': id, } with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True e_url = ('/dna/intent/api/v1/network-device/{id}/wireless-info') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, headers=_headers) else: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params) return self._object_factory('bpm_c01ee650fcf858789ca00c8deda969b9_v2_2_2_3', json_data)
[docs] def get_device_config_by_id(self, network_device_id, headers=None, **request_parameters): """Returns the device config by specified device ID . Args: network_device_id(basestring): networkDeviceId path parameter. headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . **request_parameters: Additional request parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: MyDict: JSON response. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the DNA Center cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) check_type(network_device_id, basestring, may_be_none=False) if headers is not None: if 'X-Auth-Token' in headers: check_type(headers.get('X-Auth-Token'), basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { } _params.update(request_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { 'networkDeviceId': network_device_id, } with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True e_url = ('/dna/intent/api/v1/network-' + 'device/{networkDeviceId}/config') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, headers=_headers) else: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params) return self._object_factory('bpm_af0bbf34adb5146b931ec874fc2cc40_v2_2_2_3', json_data)
[docs] def get_network_device_by_pagination_range(self, records_to_return, start_index, headers=None, **request_parameters): """Returns the list of network devices for the given pagination range . Args: start_index(int): startIndex path parameter. Start index . records_to_return(int): recordsToReturn path parameter. Number of records to return . headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . **request_parameters: Additional request parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: MyDict: JSON response. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the DNA Center cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) check_type(start_index, int, may_be_none=False) check_type(records_to_return, int, may_be_none=False) if headers is not None: if 'X-Auth-Token' in headers: check_type(headers.get('X-Auth-Token'), basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { } _params.update(request_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { 'startIndex': start_index, 'recordsToReturn': records_to_return, } with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True e_url = ('/dna/intent/api/v1/network-' + 'device/{startIndex}/{recordsToReturn}') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, headers=_headers) else: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params) return self._object_factory('bpm_d7b6ce5abd5dad837e22ace817a6f0_v2_2_2_3', json_data)
[docs] def threat_details(self, endTime=None, isNewThreat=None, limit=None, offset=None, siteId=None, startTime=None, threatLevel=None, threatType=None, headers=None, payload=None, active_validation=True, **request_parameters): """The details for the Rogue and aWIPS threats . Args: endTime(integer): Devices's End Time. isNewThreat(boolean): Devices's Is New Threat. limit(integer): Devices's Limit. offset(integer): Devices's Offset. siteId(list): Devices's Site Id (list of strings). startTime(integer): Devices's Start Time. threatLevel(list): Devices's Threat Level (list of strings). threatType(list): Devices's Threat Type (list of strings). headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . payload(dict): A JSON serializable Python object to send in the body of the Request. active_validation(bool): Enable/Disable payload validation. Defaults to True. **request_parameters: Additional request parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: MyDict: JSON response. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the DNA Center cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) check_type(payload, dict) if headers is not None: if 'Content-Type' in headers: check_type(headers.get('Content-Type'), basestring, may_be_none=False) if 'X-Auth-Token' in headers: check_type(headers.get('X-Auth-Token'), basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { } _params.update(request_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { } _payload = { 'offset': offset, 'limit': limit, 'startTime': startTime, 'endTime': endTime, 'siteId': siteId, 'threatLevel': threatLevel, 'threatType': threatType, 'isNewThreat': isNewThreat, } _payload.update(payload or {}) _payload = dict_from_items_with_values(_payload) if active_validation: self._request_validator('jsd_f4ce55b5f235924903516ef31dc9e3c_v2_2_2_3')\ .validate(_payload) with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True e_url = ('/dna/intent/api/v1/security/threats/details') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: json_data =, params=_params, json=_payload, headers=_headers) else: json_data =, params=_params, json=_payload) return self._object_factory('bpm_f4ce55b5f235924903516ef31dc9e3c_v2_2_2_3', json_data)
[docs] def threat_detail_count(self, endTime=None, isNewThreat=None, limit=None, offset=None, siteId=None, startTime=None, threatLevel=None, threatType=None, headers=None, payload=None, active_validation=True, **request_parameters): """The details count for the Rogue and aWIPS threats . Args: endTime(integer): Devices's End Time. isNewThreat(boolean): Devices's Is New Threat. limit(integer): Devices's Limit. offset(integer): Devices's Offset. siteId(list): Devices's Site Id (list of strings). startTime(integer): Devices's Start Time. threatLevel(list): Devices's Threat Level (list of strings). threatType(list): Devices's Threat Type (list of strings). headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . payload(dict): A JSON serializable Python object to send in the body of the Request. active_validation(bool): Enable/Disable payload validation. Defaults to True. **request_parameters: Additional request parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: MyDict: JSON response. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the DNA Center cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) check_type(payload, dict) if headers is not None: if 'Content-Type' in headers: check_type(headers.get('Content-Type'), basestring, may_be_none=False) if 'X-Auth-Token' in headers: check_type(headers.get('X-Auth-Token'), basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { } _params.update(request_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { } _payload = { 'offset': offset, 'limit': limit, 'startTime': startTime, 'endTime': endTime, 'siteId': siteId, 'threatLevel': threatLevel, 'threatType': threatType, 'isNewThreat': isNewThreat, } _payload.update(payload or {}) _payload = dict_from_items_with_values(_payload) if active_validation: self._request_validator('jsd_c7266d89581c9601b79b7304fda3_v2_2_2_3')\ .validate(_payload) with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True e_url = ('/dna/intent/api/v1/security/threats/details/count') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: json_data =, params=_params, json=_payload, headers=_headers) else: json_data =, params=_params, json=_payload) return self._object_factory('bpm_c7266d89581c9601b79b7304fda3_v2_2_2_3', json_data)
[docs] def threat_summary(self, endTime=None, siteId=None, startTime=None, threatLevel=None, threatType=None, headers=None, payload=None, active_validation=True, **request_parameters): """The Threat Summary for the Rogues and aWIPS . Args: endTime(integer): Devices's End Time. siteId(list): Devices's Site Id (list of strings). startTime(integer): Devices's Start Time. threatLevel(list): Devices's Threat Level (list of strings). threatType(list): Devices's Threat Type (list of strings). headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . payload(dict): A JSON serializable Python object to send in the body of the Request. active_validation(bool): Enable/Disable payload validation. Defaults to True. **request_parameters: Additional request parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: MyDict: JSON response. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the DNA Center cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) check_type(payload, dict) if headers is not None: if 'Content-Type' in headers: check_type(headers.get('Content-Type'), basestring, may_be_none=False) if 'X-Auth-Token' in headers: check_type(headers.get('X-Auth-Token'), basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { } _params.update(request_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { } _payload = { 'startTime': startTime, 'endTime': endTime, 'siteId': siteId, 'threatLevel': threatLevel, 'threatType': threatType, } _payload.update(payload or {}) _payload = dict_from_items_with_values(_payload) if active_validation: self._request_validator('jsd_e6eed78cb55d51a1bfe669729df25689_v2_2_2_3')\ .validate(_payload) with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True e_url = ('/dna/intent/api/v1/security/threats/summary') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: json_data =, params=_params, json=_payload, headers=_headers) else: json_data =, params=_params, json=_payload) return self._object_factory('bpm_e6eed78cb55d51a1bfe669729df25689_v2_2_2_3', json_data)