Source code for dnacentersdk.api.v1_3_1.non_fabric_wireless

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Cisco DNA Center Non-Fabric Wireless API wrapper.

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from __future__ import (

from builtins import *

from past.builtins import basestring

from ...restsession import RestSession
from ...utils import (

[docs]class NonFabricWireless(object): """Cisco DNA Center Non-Fabric Wireless API (version: 1.3.1). Wraps the DNA Center Non-Fabric Wireless API and exposes the API as native Python methods that return native Python objects. """ def __init__(self, session, object_factory, request_validator): """Initialize a new NonFabricWireless object with the provided RestSession. Args: session(RestSession): The RESTful session object to be used for API calls to the DNA Center service. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. """ check_type(session, RestSession) super(NonFabricWireless, self).__init__() self._session = session self._object_factory = object_factory self._request_validator = request_validator
[docs] def retrieve_rf_profiles(self, rf_profile_name=None, headers=None, **request_parameters): """Retrieve all RF profiles. Args: rf_profile_name(basestring): rf-profile-name query parameter. headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . **request_parameters: Additional request parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: MyDict: JSON response. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the DNA Center cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) check_type(rf_profile_name, basestring) if headers is not None: if 'X-Auth-Token' in headers: check_type(headers.get('X-Auth-Token'), basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { 'rf-profile-name': rf_profile_name, } _params.update(request_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { } with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True e_url = ('/dna/intent/api/v1/wireless/rf-profile') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, headers=_headers) else: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params) return self._object_factory('bpm_098cab9141c9a3fe_v1_3_1', json_data)
[docs] def create_and_provision_ssid(self, enableFabric=None, flexConnect=None, managedAPLocations=None, ssidDetails=None, ssidType=None, headers=None, payload=None, active_validation=True, **request_parameters): """Creates SSID, updates the SSID to the corresponding site profiles and provision it to the devices matching the given sites. Args: enableFabric(boolean): enableFabric, property of the request body. flexConnect(object): Flex Connect Applicable for non fabric profile, property of the request body. managedAPLocations(list): Managed AP Locations (Enter entire Site(s) hierarchy), property of the request body (list of strings). ssidDetails(object): SsidDetails, property of the request body. ssidType(string): SSID Type, property of the request body. Available values are 'Guest' and 'Enterprise'. headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . payload(dict): A JSON serializable Python object to send in the body of the Request. active_validation(bool): Enable/Disable payload validation. Defaults to True. **request_parameters: Additional request parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: MyDict: JSON response. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the DNA Center cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) check_type(payload, dict) if headers is not None: if '__persistbapioutput' in headers: check_type(headers.get('__persistbapioutput'), basestring, may_be_none=False) if 'X-Auth-Token' in headers: check_type(headers.get('X-Auth-Token'), basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { } _params.update(request_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { } _payload = { 'managedAPLocations': managedAPLocations, 'ssidDetails': ssidDetails, 'ssidType': ssidType, 'enableFabric': enableFabric, 'flexConnect': flexConnect, } _payload.update(payload or {}) _payload = dict_from_items_with_values(_payload) if active_validation: self._request_validator('jsd_1eb72ad34e098990_v1_3_1')\ .validate(_payload) with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True e_url = ('/dna/intent/api/v1/business/ssid') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: json_data =, params=_params, json=_payload, headers=_headers) else: json_data =, params=_params, json=_payload) return self._object_factory('bpm_1eb72ad34e098990_v1_3_1', json_data)
[docs] def delete_rf_profiles(self, rf_profile_name, headers=None, **request_parameters): """Delete RF profile(s). Args: rf_profile_name(basestring): rf-profile-name path parameter. headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . **request_parameters: Additional request parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: MyDict: JSON response. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the DNA Center cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) check_type(rf_profile_name, basestring, may_be_none=False) if headers is not None: if 'X-Auth-Token' in headers: check_type(headers.get('X-Auth-Token'), basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { } _params.update(request_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { 'rf-profile-name': rf_profile_name, } with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True e_url = ('/dna/intent/api/v1/wireless/rf-profile/${rf-profile-' + 'name}') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: json_data = self._session.delete(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, headers=_headers) else: json_data = self._session.delete(endpoint_full_url, params=_params) return self._object_factory('bpm_28b24a744a9994be_v1_3_1', json_data)
[docs] def get_wireless_profile(self, profile_name=None, headers=None, **request_parameters): """Gets either one or all the wireless network profiles if no name is provided for network-profile. Args: profile_name(basestring): profileName query parameter. headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . **request_parameters: Additional request parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: list: JSON response. A list of MyDict objects. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the DNA Center cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) check_type(profile_name, basestring) if headers is not None: if 'X-Auth-Token' in headers: check_type(headers.get('X-Auth-Token'), basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { 'profileName': profile_name, } _params.update(request_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { } with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True e_url = ('/dna/intent/api/v1/wireless/profile') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, headers=_headers) else: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params) return self._object_factory('bpm_b3a1c8804c8b9b8b_v1_3_1', json_data)
[docs] def update_wireless_profile(self, profileDetails=None, headers=None, payload=None, active_validation=True, **request_parameters): """Updates the wireless Network Profile with updated details provided. All sites to be present in the network profile should be provided. Args: profileDetails(object): Profile Details, property of the request body. headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . payload(dict): A JSON serializable Python object to send in the body of the Request. active_validation(bool): Enable/Disable payload validation. Defaults to True. **request_parameters: Additional request parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: MyDict: JSON response. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the DNA Center cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) check_type(payload, dict) if headers is not None: if 'X-Auth-Token' in headers: check_type(headers.get('X-Auth-Token'), basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { } _params.update(request_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { } _payload = { 'profileDetails': profileDetails, } _payload.update(payload or {}) _payload = dict_from_items_with_values(_payload) if active_validation: self._request_validator('jsd_cfbd3870405aad55_v1_3_1')\ .validate(_payload) with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True e_url = ('/dna/intent/api/v1/wireless/profile') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: json_data = self._session.put(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, json=_payload, headers=_headers) else: json_data = self._session.put(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, json=_payload) return self._object_factory('bpm_cfbd3870405aad55_v1_3_1', json_data)
[docs] def delete_ssid_and_provision_it_to_devices(self, managed_aplocations, ssid_name, headers=None, **request_parameters): """Removes SSID or WLAN from the network profile, reprovision the device(s) and deletes the SSID or WLAN from DNA Center. Args: ssid_name(basestring): ssidName path parameter. managed_aplocations(basestring): managedAPLocations path parameter. headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . **request_parameters: Additional request parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: MyDict: JSON response. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the DNA Center cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) check_type(ssid_name, basestring, may_be_none=False) check_type(managed_aplocations, basestring, may_be_none=False) if headers is not None: if '__persistbapioutput' in headers: check_type(headers.get('__persistbapioutput'), basestring, may_be_none=False) if 'X-Auth-Token' in headers: check_type(headers.get('X-Auth-Token'), basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { } _params.update(request_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { 'ssidName': ssid_name, 'managedAPLocations': managed_aplocations, } with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True e_url = ('/dna/intent/api/v1/business/ssid/${ssidName}/${managedAP' + 'Locations}') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: json_data = self._session.delete(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, headers=_headers) else: json_data = self._session.delete(endpoint_full_url, params=_params) return self._object_factory('bpm_fc9538fe43d9884d_v1_3_1', json_data)
[docs] def create_wireless_profile(self, profileDetails=None, headers=None, payload=None, active_validation=True, **request_parameters): """Creates Wireless Network Profile on DNAC and associates sites and SSIDs to it. Args: profileDetails(object): Profile Details, property of the request body. headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . payload(dict): A JSON serializable Python object to send in the body of the Request. active_validation(bool): Enable/Disable payload validation. Defaults to True. **request_parameters: Additional request parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: MyDict: JSON response. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the DNA Center cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) check_type(payload, dict) if headers is not None: if 'X-Auth-Token' in headers: check_type(headers.get('X-Auth-Token'), basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { } _params.update(request_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { } _payload = { 'profileDetails': profileDetails, } _payload.update(payload or {}) _payload = dict_from_items_with_values(_payload) if active_validation: self._request_validator('jsd_709769624bf988d5_v1_3_1')\ .validate(_payload) with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True e_url = ('/dna/intent/api/v1/wireless/profile') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: json_data =, params=_params, json=_payload, headers=_headers) else: json_data =, params=_params, json=_payload) return self._object_factory('bpm_709769624bf988d5_v1_3_1', json_data)
[docs] def create_enterprise_ssid(self, enableBroadcastSSID=None, enableFastLane=None, enableMACFiltering=None, fastTransition=None, name=None, passphrase=None, radioPolicy=None, securityLevel=None, trafficType=None, headers=None, payload=None, active_validation=True, **request_parameters): """Creates enterprise SSID. Args: enableBroadcastSSID(boolean): enableBroadcastSSID, property of the request body. enableFastLane(boolean): enableFastLane, property of the request body. enableMACFiltering(boolean): enableMACFiltering, property of the request body. fastTransition(string): Fast Transition, property of the request body. Available values are 'Adaptive', 'Enable' and 'Disable'. name(string): Enter SSID Name, property of the request body. Constraints: maxLength set to 32. passphrase(string): Pass Phrase (Only applicable for SSID with PERSONAL security level), property of the request body. Constraints: maxLength set to 63 and minLength set to 8. radioPolicy(string): Radio Policy, property of the request body. Available values are 'Dual band operation (2.4GHz and 5GHz)', 'Dual band operation with band select', '5GHz only' and '2.4GHz only'. securityLevel(string): Security Level, property of the request body. Available values are 'WPA2_ENTERPRISE', 'WPA2_PERSONAL' and 'OPEN'. trafficType(string): Traffic Type, property of the request body. Available values are 'voicedata' and 'data'. headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . payload(dict): A JSON serializable Python object to send in the body of the Request. active_validation(bool): Enable/Disable payload validation. Defaults to True. **request_parameters: Additional request parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: MyDict: JSON response. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the DNA Center cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) check_type(payload, dict) if headers is not None: if 'X-Auth-Token' in headers: check_type(headers.get('X-Auth-Token'), basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { } _params.update(request_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { } _payload = { 'name': name, 'securityLevel': securityLevel, 'passphrase': passphrase, 'enableFastLane': enableFastLane, 'enableMACFiltering': enableMACFiltering, 'trafficType': trafficType, 'radioPolicy': radioPolicy, 'enableBroadcastSSID': enableBroadcastSSID, 'fastTransition': fastTransition, } _payload.update(payload or {}) _payload = dict_from_items_with_values(_payload) if active_validation: self._request_validator('jsd_8a96fb954d09a349_v1_3_1')\ .validate(_payload) with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True e_url = ('/dna/intent/api/v1/enterprise-ssid') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: json_data =, params=_params, json=_payload, headers=_headers) else: json_data =, params=_params, json=_payload) return self._object_factory('bpm_8a96fb954d09a349_v1_3_1', json_data)
[docs] def delete_wireless_profile(self, wireless_profile_name, headers=None, **request_parameters): """Delete the Wireless Profile from DNAC whose name is provided. Args: wireless_profile_name(basestring): wirelessProfileName path parameter. headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . **request_parameters: Additional request parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: MyDict: JSON response. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the DNA Center cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) check_type(wireless_profile_name, basestring, may_be_none=False) if headers is not None: if 'X-Auth-Token' in headers: check_type(headers.get('X-Auth-Token'), basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { } _params.update(request_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { 'wirelessProfileName': wireless_profile_name, } with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True e_url = ('/dna/intent/api/v1/wireless-' + 'profile/${wirelessProfileName}') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: json_data = self._session.delete(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, headers=_headers) else: json_data = self._session.delete(endpoint_full_url, params=_params) return self._object_factory('bpm_e39588a5494982c4_v1_3_1', json_data)
[docs] def provision_update(self, headers=None, payload=None, active_validation=True, **request_parameters): """Updates wireless provisioning. Args: headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . payload(list): A JSON serializable Python object to send in the body of the Request. active_validation(bool): Enable/Disable payload validation. Defaults to True. **request_parameters: Additional request parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: MyDict: JSON response. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the DNA Center cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) check_type(payload, list) if headers is not None: if '__persistbapioutput' in headers: check_type(headers.get('__persistbapioutput'), basestring, may_be_none=False) if 'X-Auth-Token' in headers: check_type(headers.get('X-Auth-Token'), basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { } _params.update(request_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { } _payload = payload or [] if active_validation: self._request_validator('jsd_87a5ab044139862d_v1_3_1')\ .validate(_payload) with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True e_url = ('/dna/intent/api/v1/wireless/provision') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: json_data = self._session.put(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, json=_payload, headers=_headers) else: json_data = self._session.put(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, json=_payload) return self._object_factory('bpm_87a5ab044139862d_v1_3_1', json_data)
[docs] def create_or_update_rf_profile(self, channelWidth=None, defaultRfProfile=None, enableBrownField=None, enableCustom=None, enableRadioTypeA=None, enableRadioTypeB=None, name=None, radioTypeAProperties=None, radioTypeBProperties=None, headers=None, payload=None, active_validation=True, **request_parameters): """Create or Update RF profile. Args: channelWidth(string): Channel Width, property of the request body. defaultRfProfile(boolean): defaultRfProfile, property of the request body. enableBrownField(boolean): enableBrownField, property of the request body. enableCustom(boolean): enableCustom, property of the request body. enableRadioTypeA(boolean): enableRadioTypeA, property of the request body. enableRadioTypeB(boolean): enableRadioTypeB, property of the request body. name(string): Name, property of the request body. radioTypeAProperties(object): Radio Type AProperties, property of the request body. radioTypeBProperties(object): Radio Type BProperties, property of the request body. headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . payload(dict): A JSON serializable Python object to send in the body of the Request. active_validation(bool): Enable/Disable payload validation. Defaults to True. **request_parameters: Additional request parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: MyDict: JSON response. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the DNA Center cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) check_type(payload, dict) if headers is not None: if 'X-Auth-Token' in headers: check_type(headers.get('X-Auth-Token'), basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { } _params.update(request_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { } _payload = { 'name': name, 'defaultRfProfile': defaultRfProfile, 'enableRadioTypeA': enableRadioTypeA, 'enableRadioTypeB': enableRadioTypeB, 'channelWidth': channelWidth, 'enableCustom': enableCustom, 'enableBrownField': enableBrownField, 'radioTypeAProperties': radioTypeAProperties, 'radioTypeBProperties': radioTypeBProperties, } _payload.update(payload or {}) _payload = dict_from_items_with_values(_payload) if active_validation: self._request_validator('jsd_b78329674878b815_v1_3_1')\ .validate(_payload) with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True e_url = ('/dna/intent/api/v1/wireless/rf-profile') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: json_data =, params=_params, json=_payload, headers=_headers) else: json_data =, params=_params, json=_payload) return self._object_factory('bpm_b78329674878b815_v1_3_1', json_data)
[docs] def provision(self, headers=None, payload=None, active_validation=True, **request_parameters): """Provision wireless devices. Args: headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . payload(list): A JSON serializable Python object to send in the body of the Request. active_validation(bool): Enable/Disable payload validation. Defaults to True. **request_parameters: Additional request parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: MyDict: JSON response. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the DNA Center cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) check_type(payload, list) if headers is not None: if '__persistbapioutput' in headers: check_type(headers.get('__persistbapioutput'), basestring, may_be_none=False) if 'X-Auth-Token' in headers: check_type(headers.get('X-Auth-Token'), basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { } _params.update(request_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { } _payload = payload or [] if active_validation: self._request_validator('jsd_d09b08a3447aa3b9_v1_3_1')\ .validate(_payload) with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True e_url = ('/dna/intent/api/v1/wireless/provision') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: json_data =, params=_params, json=_payload, headers=_headers) else: json_data =, params=_params, json=_payload) return self._object_factory('bpm_d09b08a3447aa3b9_v1_3_1', json_data)
[docs] def delete_enterprise_ssid(self, ssid_name, headers=None, **request_parameters): """Deletes given enterprise SSID. Args: ssid_name(basestring): Enter the SSID name to be deleted. headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . **request_parameters: Additional request parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: MyDict: JSON response. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the DNA Center cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) check_type(ssid_name, basestring, may_be_none=False) if headers is not None: if 'X-Auth-Token' in headers: check_type(headers.get('X-Auth-Token'), basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { } _params.update(request_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { 'ssidName': ssid_name, } with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True e_url = ('/dna/intent/api/v1/enterprise-ssid/${ssidName}') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: json_data = self._session.delete(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, headers=_headers) else: json_data = self._session.delete(endpoint_full_url, params=_params) return self._object_factory('bpm_c7a6592b4b98a369_v1_3_1', json_data)
[docs] def get_enterprise_ssid(self, ssid_name=None, headers=None, **request_parameters): """Gets either one or all the enterprise SSID. Args: ssid_name(basestring): Enter the enterprise SSID name that needs to be retrieved. If not entered, all the enterprise SSIDs will be retrieved. headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . **request_parameters: Additional request parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: list: JSON response. A list of MyDict objects. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the DNA Center cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) check_type(ssid_name, basestring) if headers is not None: if 'X-Auth-Token' in headers: check_type(headers.get('X-Auth-Token'), basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { 'ssidName': ssid_name, } _params.update(request_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { } with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True e_url = ('/dna/intent/api/v1/enterprise-ssid') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, headers=_headers) else: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params) return self._object_factory('bpm_cca519ba45ebb423_v1_3_1', json_data)
[docs] def ap_provision(self, headers=None, payload=None, active_validation=True, **request_parameters): """Provision wireless Access points. Args: headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . payload(list): A JSON serializable Python object to send in the body of the Request. active_validation(bool): Enable/Disable payload validation. Defaults to True. **request_parameters: Additional request parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: MyDict: JSON response. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the DNA Center cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) check_type(payload, list) if headers is not None: if '__persistbapioutput' in headers: check_type(headers.get('__persistbapioutput'), basestring) if 'X-Auth-Token' in headers: check_type(headers.get('X-Auth-Token'), basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { } _params.update(request_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { } _payload = payload or [] if active_validation: self._request_validator('jsd_e9b99b2248c88014_v1_3_1')\ .validate(_payload) with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True e_url = ('/dna/intent/api/v1/wireless/ap-provision') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: json_data =, params=_params, json=_payload, headers=_headers) else: json_data =, params=_params, json=_payload) return self._object_factory('bpm_e9b99b2248c88014_v1_3_1', json_data)