Source code for dnacentersdk.api.v2_2_1.event_management

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Cisco DNA Center Event Management API wrapper.

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from __future__ import (

from builtins import *

from past.builtins import basestring

from ...restsession import RestSession
from ...utils import (

[docs]class EventManagement(object): """Cisco DNA Center Event Management API (version: 2.2.1). Wraps the DNA Center Event Management API and exposes the API as native Python methods that return native Python objects. """ def __init__(self, session, object_factory, request_validator): """Initialize a new EventManagement object with the provided RestSession. Args: session(RestSession): The RESTful session object to be used for API calls to the DNA Center service. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. """ check_type(session, RestSession) super(EventManagement, self).__init__() self._session = session self._object_factory = object_factory self._request_validator = request_validator
[docs] def count_of_event_subscriptions(self, event_ids, headers=None, **request_parameters): """Returns the Count of EventSubscriptions. Args: event_ids(basestring): eventIds query parameter. List of subscriptions related to the respective eventIds. headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . **request_parameters: Additional request parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: MyDict: JSON response. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the DNA Center cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) check_type(event_ids, basestring, may_be_none=False) if headers is not None: if 'X-Auth-Token' in headers: check_type(headers.get('X-Auth-Token'), basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { 'eventIds': event_ids, } _params.update(request_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { } with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True e_url = ('/dna/intent/api/v1/event/subscription/count') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, headers=_headers) else: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params) return self._object_factory('bpm_c538dc50a4555b5fba17b672a89ee1b8_v2_2_1', json_data)
[docs] def count_of_notifications(self, category=None, domain=None, end_time=None, event_ids=None, severity=None, source=None, start_time=None, sub_domain=None, type=None, headers=None, **request_parameters): """Get the Count of Published Notifications. Args: event_ids(basestring): eventIds query parameter. The registered EventId should be provided. start_time(int): startTime query parameter. Start Time in milliseconds. end_time(int): endTime query parameter. End Time in milliseconds. category(basestring): category query parameter. type(basestring): type query parameter. severity(basestring): severity query parameter. domain(basestring): domain query parameter. sub_domain(basestring): subDomain query parameter. Sub Domain. source(basestring): source query parameter. headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . **request_parameters: Additional request parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: MyDict: JSON response. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the DNA Center cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) check_type(event_ids, basestring) check_type(start_time, int) check_type(end_time, int) check_type(category, basestring) check_type(type, basestring) check_type(severity, basestring) check_type(domain, basestring) check_type(sub_domain, basestring) check_type(source, basestring) if headers is not None: if 'X-Auth-Token' in headers: check_type(headers.get('X-Auth-Token'), basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { 'eventIds': event_ids, 'startTime': start_time, 'endTime': end_time, 'category': category, 'type': type, 'severity': severity, 'domain': domain, 'subDomain': sub_domain, 'source': source, } _params.update(request_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { } with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True e_url = ('/dna/intent/api/v1/event/event-series/count') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, headers=_headers) else: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params) return self._object_factory('bpm_fd269fe156e4b5ad3f4210b7b168_v2_2_1', json_data)
[docs] def get_syslog_subscription_details(self, connector_type, instance_id=None, name=None, headers=None, **request_parameters): """Gets the list of subscription details for specified connectorType. Args: connector_type(basestring): connectorType query parameter. Connector Type [SYSLOG]. name(basestring): name query parameter. Name of the specific configuration. instance_id(basestring): instanceId query parameter. Instance Id of the specific configuration. headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . **request_parameters: Additional request parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: list: JSON response. A list of MyDict objects. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the DNA Center cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) check_type(connector_type, basestring, may_be_none=False) check_type(name, basestring) check_type(instance_id, basestring) if headers is not None: if 'X-Auth-Token' in headers: check_type(headers.get('X-Auth-Token'), basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { 'connectorType': connector_type, 'name': name, 'instanceId': instance_id, } _params.update(request_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { } with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True e_url = ('/dna/intent/api/v1/event/subscription-details/syslog') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, headers=_headers) else: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params) return self._object_factory('bpm_c0dcb335458a58fa8bc5a485b174427d_v2_2_1', json_data)
[docs] def get_email_subscription_details(self, connector_type, instance_id=None, name=None, headers=None, **request_parameters): """Gets the list of subscription details for specified connectorType. Args: connector_type(basestring): connectorType query parameter. Connector Type [EMAIL]. name(basestring): name query parameter. Name of the specific configuration. instance_id(basestring): instanceId query parameter. Instance Id of the specific configuration. headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . **request_parameters: Additional request parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: list: JSON response. A list of MyDict objects. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the DNA Center cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) check_type(connector_type, basestring, may_be_none=False) check_type(name, basestring) check_type(instance_id, basestring) if headers is not None: if 'X-Auth-Token' in headers: check_type(headers.get('X-Auth-Token'), basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { 'connectorType': connector_type, 'name': name, 'instanceId': instance_id, } _params.update(request_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { } with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True e_url = ('/dna/intent/api/v1/event/subscription-details/email') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, headers=_headers) else: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params) return self._object_factory('bpm_d420225889bb16f99ec7ba099a_v2_2_1', json_data)
[docs] def get_email_event_subscriptions(self, event_ids=None, limit=None, offset=None, order=None, sort_by=None, headers=None, **request_parameters): """Gets the list of email Subscriptions's based on provided offset and limit. Args: event_ids(basestring): eventIds query parameter. List of email subscriptions related to the respective eventIds (Comma separated event ids). offset(int): offset query parameter. The number of Subscriptions's to offset in the resultset whose default value 0. limit(int): limit query parameter. The number of Subscriptions's to limit in the resultset whose default value 10. sort_by(basestring): sortBy query parameter. SortBy field name. order(basestring): order query parameter. headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . **request_parameters: Additional request parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: list: JSON response. A list of MyDict objects. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the DNA Center cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) check_type(event_ids, basestring) check_type(offset, int) check_type(limit, int) check_type(sort_by, basestring) check_type(order, basestring) if headers is not None: if 'X-Auth-Token' in headers: check_type(headers.get('X-Auth-Token'), basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { 'eventIds': event_ids, 'offset': offset, 'limit': limit, 'sortBy': sort_by, 'order': order, } _params.update(request_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { } with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True e_url = ('/dna/intent/api/v1/event/subscription/email') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, headers=_headers) else: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params) return self._object_factory('bpm_bc212b5ee1f252479f35e8dd58319f17_v2_2_1', json_data)
[docs] def update_email_event_subscription(self, headers=None, payload=None, active_validation=True, **request_parameters): """Update Email Subscription Endpoint for list of registered events. Args: headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . payload(list): A JSON serializable Python object to send in the body of the Request. active_validation(bool): Enable/Disable payload validation. Defaults to True. **request_parameters: Additional request parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: MyDict: JSON response. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the DNA Center cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) check_type(payload, list) if headers is not None: if 'Content-Type' in headers: check_type(headers.get('Content-Type'), basestring, may_be_none=False) if 'X-Auth-Token' in headers: check_type(headers.get('X-Auth-Token'), basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { } _params.update(request_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { } _payload = payload or [] if active_validation: self._request_validator('jsd_f8b4842604b65658afb34b4f124db469_v2_2_1')\ .validate(_payload) with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True e_url = ('/dna/intent/api/v1/event/subscription/email') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: json_data = self._session.put(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, json=_payload, headers=_headers) else: json_data = self._session.put(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, json=_payload) return self._object_factory('bpm_f8b4842604b65658afb34b4f124db469_v2_2_1', json_data)
[docs] def create_email_event_subscription(self, headers=None, payload=None, active_validation=True, **request_parameters): """Create Email Subscription Endpoint for list of registered events. Args: headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . payload(list): A JSON serializable Python object to send in the body of the Request. active_validation(bool): Enable/Disable payload validation. Defaults to True. **request_parameters: Additional request parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: MyDict: JSON response. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the DNA Center cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) check_type(payload, list) if headers is not None: if 'Content-Type' in headers: check_type(headers.get('Content-Type'), basestring, may_be_none=False) if 'X-Auth-Token' in headers: check_type(headers.get('X-Auth-Token'), basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { } _params.update(request_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { } _payload = payload or [] if active_validation: self._request_validator('jsd_e69d02d71905aecbd10b782469efbda_v2_2_1')\ .validate(_payload) with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True e_url = ('/dna/intent/api/v1/event/subscription/email') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: json_data =, params=_params, json=_payload, headers=_headers) else: json_data =, params=_params, json=_payload) return self._object_factory('bpm_e69d02d71905aecbd10b782469efbda_v2_2_1', json_data)
[docs] def get_events(self, tags, event_id=None, limit=None, offset=None, order=None, sort_by=None, headers=None, **request_parameters): """Gets the list of registered Events with provided eventIds or tags as mandatory. Args: event_id(basestring): eventId query parameter. The registered EventId should be provided. tags(basestring): tags query parameter. The registered Tags should be provided. offset(int): offset query parameter. The number of Registries to offset in the resultset whose default value 0. limit(int): limit query parameter. The number of Registries to limit in the resultset whose default value 10. sort_by(basestring): sortBy query parameter. SortBy field name. order(basestring): order query parameter. headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . **request_parameters: Additional request parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: list: JSON response. A list of MyDict objects. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the DNA Center cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) check_type(event_id, basestring) check_type(tags, basestring, may_be_none=False) check_type(offset, int) check_type(limit, int) check_type(sort_by, basestring) check_type(order, basestring) if headers is not None: if 'X-Auth-Token' in headers: check_type(headers.get('X-Auth-Token'), basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { 'eventId': event_id, 'tags': tags, 'offset': offset, 'limit': limit, 'sortBy': sort_by, 'order': order, } _params.update(request_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { } with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True e_url = ('/dna/intent/api/v1/events') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, headers=_headers) else: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params) return self._object_factory('bpm_bf36f1819e61575189c0709efab6e48a_v2_2_1', json_data)
[docs] def get_auditlog_summary(self, category=None, context=None, description=None, device_id=None, domain=None, end_time=None, event_hierarchy=None, event_id=None, instance_id=None, is_parent_only=None, is_system_events=None, name=None, parent_instance_id=None, severity=None, site_id=None, source=None, start_time=None, sub_domain=None, user_id=None, headers=None, **request_parameters): """Get Audit Log Summary from the Event-Hub. Args: parent_instance_id(basestring): parentInstanceId query parameter. Parent Audit Log record's instanceID. is_parent_only(bool): isParentOnly query parameter. Parameter to filter parent only audit-logs. instance_id(basestring): instanceId query parameter. InstanceID of the Audit Log. name(basestring): name query parameter. Audit Log notification event name. event_id(basestring): eventId query parameter. Audit Log notification's event ID. . category(basestring): category query parameter. Audit Log notification's event category. Supported values: INFO, WARN, ERROR, ALERT, TASK_PROGRESS, TASK_FAILURE, TASK_COMPLETE, COMMAND, QUERY, CONVERSATION. severity(basestring): severity query parameter. Audit Log notification's event severity. Supported values: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. domain(basestring): domain query parameter. Audit Log notification's event domain. sub_domain(basestring): subDomain query parameter. Audit Log notification's event sub-domain. source(basestring): source query parameter. Audit Log notification's event source. user_id(basestring): userId query parameter. Audit Log notification's event userId. context(basestring): context query parameter. Audit Log notification's event correlationId. event_hierarchy(basestring): eventHierarchy query parameter. Audit Log notification's event eventHierarchy. Example: "US.CA.San Jose" OR "US.CA" OR "CA.San Jose" Delimiter for hierarchy separation is ".". site_id(basestring): siteId query parameter. Audit Log notification's siteId. device_id(basestring): deviceId query parameter. Audit Log notification's deviceId. is_system_events(bool): isSystemEvents query parameter. Parameter to filter system generated audit-logs. description(basestring): description query parameter. String full/partial search (Provided input string is case insensitively matched for records). start_time(int): startTime query parameter. Start Time in milliseconds since Epoch Eg. 1597950637211 (when provided endTime is mandatory). end_time(int): endTime query parameter. End Time in milliseconds since Epoch Eg. 1597961437211 (when provided startTime is mandatory). headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . **request_parameters: Additional request parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: list: JSON response. A list of MyDict objects. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the DNA Center cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) check_type(parent_instance_id, basestring) check_type(is_parent_only, bool) check_type(instance_id, basestring) check_type(name, basestring) check_type(event_id, basestring) check_type(category, basestring) check_type(severity, basestring) check_type(domain, basestring) check_type(sub_domain, basestring) check_type(source, basestring) check_type(user_id, basestring) check_type(context, basestring) check_type(event_hierarchy, basestring) check_type(site_id, basestring) check_type(device_id, basestring) check_type(is_system_events, bool) check_type(description, basestring) check_type(start_time, int) check_type(end_time, int) if headers is not None: if 'X-Auth-Token' in headers: check_type(headers.get('X-Auth-Token'), basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { 'parentInstanceId': parent_instance_id, 'isParentOnly': is_parent_only, 'instanceId': instance_id, 'name': name, 'eventId': event_id, 'category': category, 'severity': severity, 'domain': domain, 'subDomain': sub_domain, 'source': source, 'userId': user_id, 'context': context, 'eventHierarchy': event_hierarchy, 'siteId': site_id, 'deviceId': device_id, 'isSystemEvents': is_system_events, 'description': description, 'startTime': start_time, 'endTime': end_time, } _params.update(request_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { } with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True e_url = ('/dna/data/api/v1/event/event-series/audit-log/summary') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, headers=_headers) else: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params) return self._object_factory('bpm_ea7c0220d55ae9e1a51d6823ce862_v2_2_1', json_data)
[docs] def get_event_subscriptions(self, event_ids=None, limit=None, offset=None, order=None, sort_by=None, headers=None, **request_parameters): """Gets the list of Subscriptions's based on provided offset and limit. Args: event_ids(basestring): eventIds query parameter. List of subscriptions related to the respective eventIds. offset(int): offset query parameter. The number of Subscriptions's to offset in the resultset whose default value 0. limit(int): limit query parameter. The number of Subscriptions's to limit in the resultset whose default value 10. sort_by(basestring): sortBy query parameter. SortBy field name. order(basestring): order query parameter. headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . **request_parameters: Additional request parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: list: JSON response. A list of MyDict objects. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the DNA Center cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) check_type(event_ids, basestring) check_type(offset, int) check_type(limit, int) check_type(sort_by, basestring) check_type(order, basestring) if headers is not None: if 'X-Auth-Token' in headers: check_type(headers.get('X-Auth-Token'), basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { 'eventIds': event_ids, 'offset': offset, 'limit': limit, 'sortBy': sort_by, 'order': order, } _params.update(request_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { } with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True e_url = ('/dna/intent/api/v1/event/subscription') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, headers=_headers) else: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params) return self._object_factory('bpm_d7d4e55d6bbb21c34ce863a131_v2_2_1', json_data)
[docs] def update_event_subscriptions(self, headers=None, payload=None, active_validation=True, **request_parameters): """Update SubscriptionEndpoint to list of registered events. Args: headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . payload(list): A JSON serializable Python object to send in the body of the Request. active_validation(bool): Enable/Disable payload validation. Defaults to True. **request_parameters: Additional request parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: MyDict: JSON response. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the DNA Center cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) check_type(payload, list) if headers is not None: if 'Content-Type' in headers: check_type(headers.get('Content-Type'), basestring, may_be_none=False) if 'X-Auth-Token' in headers: check_type(headers.get('X-Auth-Token'), basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { } _params.update(request_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { } _payload = payload or [] if active_validation: self._request_validator('jsd_dfda5beca4cc5437876bff366493ebf0_v2_2_1')\ .validate(_payload) with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True e_url = ('/dna/intent/api/v1/event/subscription') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: json_data = self._session.put(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, json=_payload, headers=_headers) else: json_data = self._session.put(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, json=_payload) return self._object_factory('bpm_dfda5beca4cc5437876bff366493ebf0_v2_2_1', json_data)
[docs] def create_event_subscriptions(self, headers=None, payload=None, active_validation=True, **request_parameters): """Subscribe SubscriptionEndpoint to list of registered events. Args: headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . payload(list): A JSON serializable Python object to send in the body of the Request. active_validation(bool): Enable/Disable payload validation. Defaults to True. **request_parameters: Additional request parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: MyDict: JSON response. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the DNA Center cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) check_type(payload, list) if headers is not None: if 'Content-Type' in headers: check_type(headers.get('Content-Type'), basestring, may_be_none=False) if 'X-Auth-Token' in headers: check_type(headers.get('X-Auth-Token'), basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { } _params.update(request_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { } _payload = payload or [] if active_validation: self._request_validator('jsd_fcc151af7615a84adf48b714d146192_v2_2_1')\ .validate(_payload) with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True e_url = ('/dna/intent/api/v1/event/subscription') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: json_data =, params=_params, json=_payload, headers=_headers) else: json_data =, params=_params, json=_payload) return self._object_factory('bpm_fcc151af7615a84adf48b714d146192_v2_2_1', json_data)
[docs] def delete_event_subscriptions(self, subscriptions, headers=None, **request_parameters): """Delete EventSubscriptions. Args: subscriptions(basestring): subscriptions query parameter. List of EventSubscriptionId's for removal. headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . **request_parameters: Additional request parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: MyDict: JSON response. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the DNA Center cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) check_type(subscriptions, basestring, may_be_none=False) if headers is not None: if 'Content-Type' in headers: check_type(headers.get('Content-Type'), basestring, may_be_none=False) if 'X-Auth-Token' in headers: check_type(headers.get('X-Auth-Token'), basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { 'subscriptions': subscriptions, } _params.update(request_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { } with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True e_url = ('/dna/intent/api/v1/event/subscription') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: json_data = self._session.delete(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, headers=_headers) else: json_data = self._session.delete(endpoint_full_url, params=_params) return self._object_factory('bpm_a0e0b1772dfc5a02a96a9f6ee6e2579b_v2_2_1', json_data)
[docs] def get_syslog_event_subscriptions(self, event_ids=None, limit=None, offset=None, order=None, sort_by=None, headers=None, **request_parameters): """Gets the list of Syslog Subscriptions's based on provided offset and limit. Args: event_ids(basestring): eventIds query parameter. List of subscriptions related to the respective eventIds (Comma separated event ids). offset(int): offset query parameter. The number of Subscriptions's to offset in the resultset whose default value 0. limit(int): limit query parameter. The number of Subscriptions's to limit in the resultset whose default value 10. sort_by(basestring): sortBy query parameter. SortBy field name. order(basestring): order query parameter. headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . **request_parameters: Additional request parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: list: JSON response. A list of MyDict objects. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the DNA Center cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) check_type(event_ids, basestring) check_type(offset, int) check_type(limit, int) check_type(sort_by, basestring) check_type(order, basestring) if headers is not None: if 'X-Auth-Token' in headers: check_type(headers.get('X-Auth-Token'), basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { 'eventIds': event_ids, 'offset': offset, 'limit': limit, 'sortBy': sort_by, 'order': order, } _params.update(request_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { } with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True e_url = ('/dna/intent/api/v1/event/subscription/syslog') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, headers=_headers) else: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params) return self._object_factory('bpm_c7bed4b4148753e6bc9912e3be135217_v2_2_1', json_data)
[docs] def update_syslog_event_subscription(self, headers=None, payload=None, active_validation=True, **request_parameters): """Update Syslog Subscription Endpoint for list of registered events. Args: headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . payload(list): A JSON serializable Python object to send in the body of the Request. active_validation(bool): Enable/Disable payload validation. Defaults to True. **request_parameters: Additional request parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: MyDict: JSON response. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the DNA Center cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) check_type(payload, list) if headers is not None: if 'Content-Type' in headers: check_type(headers.get('Content-Type'), basestring, may_be_none=False) if 'X-Auth-Token' in headers: check_type(headers.get('X-Auth-Token'), basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { } _params.update(request_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { } _payload = payload or [] if active_validation: self._request_validator('jsd_d8fc92ddeab597ebb50ea003a6d46bd_v2_2_1')\ .validate(_payload) with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True e_url = ('/dna/intent/api/v1/event/subscription/syslog') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: json_data = self._session.put(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, json=_payload, headers=_headers) else: json_data = self._session.put(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, json=_payload) return self._object_factory('bpm_d8fc92ddeab597ebb50ea003a6d46bd_v2_2_1', json_data)
[docs] def create_syslog_event_subscription(self, headers=None, payload=None, active_validation=True, **request_parameters): """Create Syslog Subscription Endpoint for list of registered events. Args: headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . payload(list): A JSON serializable Python object to send in the body of the Request. active_validation(bool): Enable/Disable payload validation. Defaults to True. **request_parameters: Additional request parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: MyDict: JSON response. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the DNA Center cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) check_type(payload, list) if headers is not None: if 'Content-Type' in headers: check_type(headers.get('Content-Type'), basestring, may_be_none=False) if 'X-Auth-Token' in headers: check_type(headers.get('X-Auth-Token'), basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { } _params.update(request_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { } _payload = payload or [] if active_validation: self._request_validator('jsd_fb5a8c0075563491622171958074bf_v2_2_1')\ .validate(_payload) with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True e_url = ('/dna/intent/api/v1/event/subscription/syslog') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: json_data =, params=_params, json=_payload, headers=_headers) else: json_data =, params=_params, json=_payload) return self._object_factory('bpm_fb5a8c0075563491622171958074bf_v2_2_1', json_data)
[docs] def count_of_events(self, tags, event_id=None, headers=None, **request_parameters): """Get the count of registered events with provided eventIds or tags as mandatory. Args: event_id(basestring): eventId query parameter. The registered EventId should be provided. tags(basestring): tags query parameter. The registered Tags should be provided. headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . **request_parameters: Additional request parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: MyDict: JSON response. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the DNA Center cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) check_type(event_id, basestring) check_type(tags, basestring, may_be_none=False) if headers is not None: if 'X-Auth-Token' in headers: check_type(headers.get('X-Auth-Token'), basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { 'eventId': event_id, 'tags': tags, } _params.update(request_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { } with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True e_url = ('/dna/intent/api/v1/events/count') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, headers=_headers) else: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params) return self._object_factory('bpm_b21d2947d715c198f5e62ba3149839a_v2_2_1', json_data)
[docs] def get_eventartifacts(self, event_ids=None, limit=None, offset=None, order=None, search=None, sort_by=None, tags=None, headers=None, **request_parameters): """Gets the list of artifacts based on provided offset and limit. Args: event_ids(basestring): eventIds query parameter. List of eventIds. tags(basestring): tags query parameter. Tags defined. offset(int): offset query parameter. Record start offset. limit(int): limit query parameter. # of records to return in result set. sort_by(basestring): sortBy query parameter. Sort by field. order(basestring): order query parameter. sorting order (asc/desc). search(basestring): search query parameter. findd matches in name, description, eventId, type, category. headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . **request_parameters: Additional request parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: list: JSON response. A list of MyDict objects. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the DNA Center cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) check_type(event_ids, basestring) check_type(tags, basestring) check_type(offset, int) check_type(limit, int) check_type(sort_by, basestring) check_type(order, basestring) check_type(search, basestring) if headers is not None: if 'X-Auth-Token' in headers: check_type(headers.get('X-Auth-Token'), basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { 'eventIds': event_ids, 'tags': tags, 'offset': offset, 'limit': limit, 'sortBy': sort_by, 'order': order, 'search': search, } _params.update(request_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { } with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True e_url = ('/dna/system/api/v1/event/artifact') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, headers=_headers) else: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params) return self._object_factory('bpm_c0e0d76b2561b8f2efd0220f02267_v2_2_1', json_data)
[docs] def get_notifications(self, category=None, domain=None, end_time=None, event_ids=None, limit=None, offset=None, order=None, severity=None, sort_by=None, source=None, start_time=None, sub_domain=None, type=None, headers=None, **request_parameters): """Get the list of Published Notifications. Args: event_ids(basestring): eventIds query parameter. The registered EventId should be provided. start_time(int): startTime query parameter. Start Time in milliseconds. end_time(int): endTime query parameter. End Time in milliseconds. category(basestring): category query parameter. type(basestring): type query parameter. severity(basestring): severity query parameter. domain(basestring): domain query parameter. sub_domain(basestring): subDomain query parameter. Sub Domain. source(basestring): source query parameter. offset(int): offset query parameter. Start Offset. limit(int): limit query parameter. # of records. sort_by(basestring): sortBy query parameter. Sort By column. order(basestring): order query parameter. Ascending/Descending order [asc/desc]. headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . **request_parameters: Additional request parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: list: JSON response. A list of MyDict objects. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the DNA Center cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) check_type(event_ids, basestring) check_type(start_time, int) check_type(end_time, int) check_type(category, basestring) check_type(type, basestring) check_type(severity, basestring) check_type(domain, basestring) check_type(sub_domain, basestring) check_type(source, basestring) check_type(offset, int) check_type(limit, int) check_type(sort_by, basestring) check_type(order, basestring) if headers is not None: if 'X-Auth-Token' in headers: check_type(headers.get('X-Auth-Token'), basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { 'eventIds': event_ids, 'startTime': start_time, 'endTime': end_time, 'category': category, 'type': type, 'severity': severity, 'domain': domain, 'subDomain': sub_domain, 'source': source, 'offset': offset, 'limit': limit, 'sortBy': sort_by, 'order': order, } _params.update(request_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { } with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True e_url = ('/dna/intent/api/v1/event/event-series') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, headers=_headers) else: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params) return self._object_factory('bpm_c641f481dd285301861010da8d6fbf9f_v2_2_1', json_data)
[docs] def get_auditlog_records(self, category=None, context=None, description=None, device_id=None, domain=None, end_time=None, event_hierarchy=None, event_id=None, instance_id=None, is_system_events=None, limit=None, name=None, offset=None, order=None, parent_instance_id=None, severity=None, site_id=None, sort_by=None, source=None, start_time=None, sub_domain=None, user_id=None, headers=None, **request_parameters): """Get Audit Log Event instances from the Event-Hub . Args: parent_instance_id(basestring): parentInstanceId query parameter. Parent Audit Log record's instanceID. instance_id(basestring): instanceId query parameter. InstanceID of the Audit Log. name(basestring): name query parameter. Audit Log notification event name. event_id(basestring): eventId query parameter. Audit Log notification's event ID. . category(basestring): category query parameter. Audit Log notification's event category. Supported values: INFO, WARN, ERROR, ALERT, TASK_PROGRESS, TASK_FAILURE, TASK_COMPLETE, COMMAND, QUERY, CONVERSATION. severity(basestring): severity query parameter. Audit Log notification's event severity. Supported values: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. domain(basestring): domain query parameter. Audit Log notification's event domain. sub_domain(basestring): subDomain query parameter. Audit Log notification's event sub-domain. source(basestring): source query parameter. Audit Log notification's event source. user_id(basestring): userId query parameter. Audit Log notification's event userId. context(basestring): context query parameter. Audit Log notification's event correlationId. event_hierarchy(basestring): eventHierarchy query parameter. Audit Log notification's event eventHierarchy. Example: "US.CA.San Jose" OR "US.CA" OR "CA.San Jose" Delimiter for hierarchy separation is ".". site_id(basestring): siteId query parameter. Audit Log notification's siteId. device_id(basestring): deviceId query parameter. Audit Log notification's deviceId. is_system_events(bool): isSystemEvents query parameter. Parameter to filter system generated audit-logs. description(basestring): description query parameter. String full/partial search (Provided input string is case insensitively matched for records). offset(int): offset query parameter. Position of a particular Audit Log record in the data. . limit(int): limit query parameter. Number of Audit Log records to be returned per page. start_time(int): startTime query parameter. Start Time in milliseconds since Epoch Eg. 1597950637211 (when provided endTime is mandatory). end_time(int): endTime query parameter. End Time in milliseconds since Epoch Eg. 1597961437211 (when provided startTime is mandatory). sort_by(basestring): sortBy query parameter. Sort the Audit Logs by certain fields. Supported values are event notification header attributes. order(basestring): order query parameter. Order of the sorted Audit Log records. Default value is desc by timestamp. Supported values: asc, desc. headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . **request_parameters: Additional request parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: list: JSON response. A list of MyDict objects. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the DNA Center cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) check_type(parent_instance_id, basestring) check_type(instance_id, basestring) check_type(name, basestring) check_type(event_id, basestring) check_type(category, basestring) check_type(severity, basestring) check_type(domain, basestring) check_type(sub_domain, basestring) check_type(source, basestring) check_type(user_id, basestring) check_type(context, basestring) check_type(event_hierarchy, basestring) check_type(site_id, basestring) check_type(device_id, basestring) check_type(is_system_events, bool) check_type(description, basestring) check_type(offset, int) check_type(limit, int) check_type(start_time, int) check_type(end_time, int) check_type(sort_by, basestring) check_type(order, basestring) if headers is not None: if 'X-Auth-Token' in headers: check_type(headers.get('X-Auth-Token'), basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { 'parentInstanceId': parent_instance_id, 'instanceId': instance_id, 'name': name, 'eventId': event_id, 'category': category, 'severity': severity, 'domain': domain, 'subDomain': sub_domain, 'source': source, 'userId': user_id, 'context': context, 'eventHierarchy': event_hierarchy, 'siteId': site_id, 'deviceId': device_id, 'isSystemEvents': is_system_events, 'description': description, 'offset': offset, 'limit': limit, 'startTime': start_time, 'endTime': end_time, 'sortBy': sort_by, 'order': order, } _params.update(request_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { } with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True e_url = ('/dna/data/api/v1/event/event-series/audit-logs') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, headers=_headers) else: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params) return self._object_factory('bpm_b0aa5a61f64a5da997dfe05bc8a4a64f_v2_2_1', json_data)
[docs] def get_rest_webhook_event_subscriptions(self, event_ids=None, limit=None, offset=None, order=None, sort_by=None, headers=None, **request_parameters): """Gets the list of Rest/Webhook Subscriptions's based on provided offset and limit. Args: event_ids(basestring): eventIds query parameter. List of subscriptions related to the respective eventIds (Comma separated event ids). offset(int): offset query parameter. The number of Subscriptions's to offset in the resultset whose default value 0. limit(int): limit query parameter. The number of Subscriptions's to limit in the resultset whose default value 10. sort_by(basestring): sortBy query parameter. SortBy field name. order(basestring): order query parameter. headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . **request_parameters: Additional request parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: list: JSON response. A list of MyDict objects. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the DNA Center cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) check_type(event_ids, basestring) check_type(offset, int) check_type(limit, int) check_type(sort_by, basestring) check_type(order, basestring) if headers is not None: if 'X-Auth-Token' in headers: check_type(headers.get('X-Auth-Token'), basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { 'eventIds': event_ids, 'offset': offset, 'limit': limit, 'sortBy': sort_by, 'order': order, } _params.update(request_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { } with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True e_url = ('/dna/intent/api/v1/event/subscription/rest') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, headers=_headers) else: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params) return self._object_factory('bpm_ee2008494d158e7bff7f106519a64c5_v2_2_1', json_data)
[docs] def update_rest_webhook_event_subscription(self, headers=None, payload=None, active_validation=True, **request_parameters): """Update Rest/Webhook Subscription Endpoint for list of registered events. Args: headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . payload(list): A JSON serializable Python object to send in the body of the Request. active_validation(bool): Enable/Disable payload validation. Defaults to True. **request_parameters: Additional request parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: MyDict: JSON response. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the DNA Center cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) check_type(payload, list) if headers is not None: if 'Content-Type' in headers: check_type(headers.get('Content-Type'), basestring, may_be_none=False) if 'X-Auth-Token' in headers: check_type(headers.get('X-Auth-Token'), basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { } _params.update(request_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { } _payload = payload or [] if active_validation: self._request_validator('jsd_b6581534bb321eaea272365b7_v2_2_1')\ .validate(_payload) with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True e_url = ('/dna/intent/api/v1/event/subscription/rest') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: json_data = self._session.put(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, json=_payload, headers=_headers) else: json_data = self._session.put(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, json=_payload) return self._object_factory('bpm_b6581534bb321eaea272365b7_v2_2_1', json_data)
[docs] def create_rest_webhook_event_subscription(self, headers=None, payload=None, active_validation=True, **request_parameters): """Create Rest/Webhook Subscription Endpoint for list of registered events. Args: headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . payload(list): A JSON serializable Python object to send in the body of the Request. active_validation(bool): Enable/Disable payload validation. Defaults to True. **request_parameters: Additional request parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: MyDict: JSON response. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the DNA Center cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) check_type(payload, list) if headers is not None: if 'Content-Type' in headers: check_type(headers.get('Content-Type'), basestring, may_be_none=False) if 'X-Auth-Token' in headers: check_type(headers.get('X-Auth-Token'), basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { } _params.update(request_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { } _payload = payload or [] if active_validation: self._request_validator('jsd_f41eb48a0da56949cfaddeecb51ab66_v2_2_1')\ .validate(_payload) with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True e_url = ('/dna/intent/api/v1/event/subscription/rest') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: json_data =, params=_params, json=_payload, headers=_headers) else: json_data =, params=_params, json=_payload) return self._object_factory('bpm_f41eb48a0da56949cfaddeecb51ab66_v2_2_1', json_data)
[docs] def get_auditlog_parent_records(self, category=None, context=None, description=None, device_id=None, domain=None, end_time=None, event_hierarchy=None, event_id=None, instance_id=None, is_system_events=None, limit=None, name=None, offset=None, order=None, severity=None, site_id=None, sort_by=None, source=None, start_time=None, sub_domain=None, user_id=None, headers=None, **request_parameters): """Get Parent Audit Log Event instances from the Event-Hub . Args: instance_id(basestring): instanceId query parameter. InstanceID of the Audit Log. name(basestring): name query parameter. Audit Log notification event name. event_id(basestring): eventId query parameter. Audit Log notification's event ID. . category(basestring): category query parameter. Audit Log notification's event category. Supported values: INFO, WARN, ERROR, ALERT, TASK_PROGRESS, TASK_FAILURE, TASK_COMPLETE, COMMAND, QUERY, CONVERSATION. severity(basestring): severity query parameter. Audit Log notification's event severity. Supported values: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. domain(basestring): domain query parameter. Audit Log notification's event domain. sub_domain(basestring): subDomain query parameter. Audit Log notification's event sub-domain. source(basestring): source query parameter. Audit Log notification's event source. user_id(basestring): userId query parameter. Audit Log notification's event userId. context(basestring): context query parameter. Audit Log notification's event correlationId. event_hierarchy(basestring): eventHierarchy query parameter. Audit Log notification's event eventHierarchy. Example: "US.CA.San Jose" OR "US.CA" OR "CA.San Jose" Delimiter for hierarchy separation is ".". site_id(basestring): siteId query parameter. Audit Log notification's siteId. device_id(basestring): deviceId query parameter. Audit Log notification's deviceId. is_system_events(bool): isSystemEvents query parameter. Parameter to filter system generated audit-logs. description(basestring): description query parameter. String full/partial search (Provided input string is case insensitively matched for records). offset(int): offset query parameter. Position of a particular Audit Log record in the data. . limit(int): limit query parameter. Number of Audit Log records to be returned per page. start_time(int): startTime query parameter. Start Time in milliseconds since Epoch Eg. 1597950637211 (when provided endTime is mandatory). end_time(int): endTime query parameter. End Time in milliseconds since Epoch Eg. 1597961437211 (when provided startTime is mandatory). sort_by(basestring): sortBy query parameter. Sort the Audit Logs by certain fields. Supported values are event notification header attributes. order(basestring): order query parameter. Order of the sorted Audit Log records. Default value is desc by timestamp. Supported values: asc, desc. headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . **request_parameters: Additional request parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: list: JSON response. A list of MyDict objects. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the DNA Center cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) check_type(instance_id, basestring) check_type(name, basestring) check_type(event_id, basestring) check_type(category, basestring) check_type(severity, basestring) check_type(domain, basestring) check_type(sub_domain, basestring) check_type(source, basestring) check_type(user_id, basestring) check_type(context, basestring) check_type(event_hierarchy, basestring) check_type(site_id, basestring) check_type(device_id, basestring) check_type(is_system_events, bool) check_type(description, basestring) check_type(offset, int) check_type(limit, int) check_type(start_time, int) check_type(end_time, int) check_type(sort_by, basestring) check_type(order, basestring) if headers is not None: if 'X-Auth-Token' in headers: check_type(headers.get('X-Auth-Token'), basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { 'instanceId': instance_id, 'name': name, 'eventId': event_id, 'category': category, 'severity': severity, 'domain': domain, 'subDomain': sub_domain, 'source': source, 'userId': user_id, 'context': context, 'eventHierarchy': event_hierarchy, 'siteId': site_id, 'deviceId': device_id, 'isSystemEvents': is_system_events, 'description': description, 'offset': offset, 'limit': limit, 'startTime': start_time, 'endTime': end_time, 'sortBy': sort_by, 'order': order, } _params.update(request_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { } with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True e_url = ('/dna/data/api/v1/event/event-series/audit-log/parent-' + 'records') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, headers=_headers) else: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params) return self._object_factory('bpm_f8e3a0674c15fd58cd78f42dca37c7c_v2_2_1', json_data)
[docs] def eventartifact_count(self, headers=None, **request_parameters): """Get the count of registered event artifacts with provided eventIds or tags as mandatory. Args: headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . **request_parameters: Additional request parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: MyDict: JSON response. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the DNA Center cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) if headers is not None: if 'X-Auth-Token' in headers: check_type(headers.get('X-Auth-Token'), basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { } _params.update(request_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { } with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True e_url = ('/dna/system/api/v1/event/artifact/count') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, headers=_headers) else: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params) return self._object_factory('bpm_a137e0b583c85ffe80fbbd85b480bf15_v2_2_1', json_data)
[docs] def get_rest_webhook_subscription_details(self, connector_type, instance_id=None, name=None, headers=None, **request_parameters): """Gets the list of subscription details for specified connectorType. Args: connector_type(basestring): connectorType query parameter. Connector Type [REST]. name(basestring): name query parameter. Name of the specific configuration. instance_id(basestring): instanceId query parameter. Instance Id of the specific configuration. headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . **request_parameters: Additional request parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: list: JSON response. A list of MyDict objects. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the DNA Center cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) check_type(connector_type, basestring, may_be_none=False) check_type(name, basestring) check_type(instance_id, basestring) if headers is not None: if 'X-Auth-Token' in headers: check_type(headers.get('X-Auth-Token'), basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { 'connectorType': connector_type, 'name': name, 'instanceId': instance_id, } _params.update(request_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { } with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True e_url = ('/dna/intent/api/v1/event/subscription-details/rest') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, headers=_headers) else: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params) return self._object_factory('bpm_f278c72555e9a56f554b2a21c85_v2_2_1', json_data)
[docs] def get_status_api_for_events(self, execution_id, headers=None, **request_parameters): """Get the Status of events API calls with provided executionId as mandatory path parameter. Args: execution_id(basestring): executionId path parameter. Execution ID. headers(dict): Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request . **request_parameters: Additional request parameters (provides support for parameters that may be added in the future). Returns: MyDict: JSON response. Access the object's properties by using the dot notation or the bracket notation. Raises: TypeError: If the parameter types are incorrect. MalformedRequest: If the request body created is invalid. ApiError: If the DNA Center cloud returns an error. """ check_type(headers, dict) check_type(execution_id, basestring, may_be_none=False) if headers is not None: if 'X-Auth-Token' in headers: check_type(headers.get('X-Auth-Token'), basestring, may_be_none=False) _params = { } _params.update(request_parameters) _params = dict_from_items_with_values(_params) path_params = { 'executionId': execution_id, } with_custom_headers = False _headers = self._session.headers or {} if headers: _headers.update(dict_of_str(headers)) with_custom_headers = True e_url = ('/dna/intent/api/v1/event/api-status/{executionId}') endpoint_full_url = apply_path_params(e_url, path_params) if with_custom_headers: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params, headers=_headers) else: json_data = self._session.get(endpoint_full_url, params=_params) return self._object_factory('bpm_e1bd67a1a0225713ab23f0d0d3ceb4f6_v2_2_1', json_data)